Good Night

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"-Thank you Savior for tonight's dinner, we hope your sacrifice and heroism will bless our meals and give us further strength to continue our lives with health and happiness, Amen."
Blake Belladonna couldn't help but smile happily, here she was, at the dinner room, which was still unnecessarily and expensive, but at the moment she could care less about that, cause all she could focus on was the fact that she was about to have a lovely meal, that she herself cooked, with her entire family, who was also praying, even Nico was here, which means more the merrier

Once everyone said their prayers, even Nero joined in, though a bit half heartedly, they all begin to eat their meals, all the while Forte and Angela were there, one was on the side line if she was needed, while the other just started to play a relaxing song on his piano for everyone, after a moment of peace, the motherly cat decided to start a conversation with everyone

"Did everyone have a good day today? I know I visited you all today, but I'm still curious if anything happened after I left?"
Blake wanted a simple start, and see what will go on from there

"Oh! Someone came to me for some healing, and now they're able to visit their families from across the seas, it made me happy to see them happy~"
Kyrie seemed very proud and satisfied with herself to help another tortured soul, her kind heart will always be respected and appreciated by her mother, siblings and Nico

"You're too kind for your own good sometimes."
Nero couldn't help but say, even though he might look up to his older sister and never want to change her large warm heart filled with love, he couldn't help but think she's to nice sometimes

"I must agree unfortunately, Kyrie, while your kindness is no doubt a great gift to have, I would like you to be more cautious and less willing to help everyone that comes to you, I rather not see you get taken advantage of and save the wrong people."
Credo nods with what his younger brother said, which made young priestess pout and puff her cheeks when she was told not to save everyone

"Oh! If you're worry about her safety, I could make her some weapons for self defense, hey Kyrie, what's your thoughts on magnetic sais that you can throw and summon back?~"
Nico quickly jumped into the conversation by offering the kind woman a weapon to protect herself, the blacksmith was already coming up with a few ideas for some kickass tools of mass destruction

"But, I don't want to hurt anyone? Even if they do take advantage of me."
Kyrie clearly disliked the idea of violence, it was one thing for her brothers and others to do it, but she can't imagine doing it herself

"No one is forcing you to hurt anyone honey, but at least have something to defend yourself, I would rather not see my daughter come home injured, or worse, not coming home at all."
Blake wore a face of concern, while she didn't have to much of a problem with her daughter's kindness, she would not deny she also worries about her safety, and once she voiced her concern, the middle child couldn't help but let out a small sigh

"I understand Mother."
Kyrie seemed a bit defeated, but she would rather not have her mother worry about her, and if learning violence is the price of seeing her be at peace, then so be it

"Thank you, now, Credo, what about you? Anything new?"
After Blake's daughter spoke about her day, she turns her attention to her oldest son, now wanting to know what he has to say

"Nothing too noteworthy Mother, though I did speak with his Holiness, saying that I was close to getting a new position, something called the 'Savior's Spirit'? Or something along those lines."
Credo spoke about his day and explained about him getting a new title of some sort, though a few mistook it as him getting a promotion of some kind, to which everyone reacted to such knees

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