One Year Later

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After that day at the Temen-ni-gru Tower, where Team DRWBY explored mystical rooms, fought Boss Level Enemies, gained new weapons/abilities/experience, annoyed a random Demon Clown, faced their inner demons/personal fears, defeated Arkham and Vergil, and ended it all with Blake quitting and running away, a lot has changed for those that remained in the Devil Hunting Group after that eventful day. For one thing, Mary, though prefers to be called Lady, has officially joined the team, and while she does still do her own from time to time, she is very reliable for information and team work. Another thing that also changes was that their new Shop/Home, which is called 'Devil May Cry,' was not only better than the last one, but had a cleaner office, more space to hold a pool table, couch, jukeboxes, etc., more rooms for everyone to sleep in, and even has a proper kitchen, not doubt a very much improved improvement. Next major changes would be their reputation; not only are they very good at their demon slaying jobs, which was already enough to gain a few supporters, but with Weiss managing to properly advertise and make great connections with certain, "People," they will always have a job that both pays well and doesn't get them into debt, something Dante's very grateful for, though he still sucks at keeping all his money, always spending it. SPEAKING OF WHICH, the last major changes would be the relationship of the Son Of Sparda and the Satanic Xiao Long. Of course it started off small, like all relationships do, dates, kissing and cuddling, but when the times go by, they did a lot more than that. Not only did their trust/bond of each other grow, but also how they express it. For Dante, while most of the time would keep to himself, he would also show kind gestures and gifts, and shows more than just his carefree emotions. He's the type of person who does small things that tell a lot about him. As for Yang, while not very girly, she does show more of her innocent cute side more often, blushing when she feels loved, and giggly if she expresses her love. Of course everyone knows she, or even the Devil Hunter's themselves, were anything but "Innocent." Especially when they share a night of "Passion" with one another. But hey, at leasts when they do it, Weiss and Ruby are either wearing sound cancelling headphones or also going on dates with one another. Their new relationship is still new and a bit unsure, but was definitely growing. A lot has changed for the Team, and while some had wished a certain "Kitty" had stayed with him, they moved on and accepted it. Everyone was happy, and everyone was together... Nearly a year later, we see a black man in a suit enter the shop of Devil May Cry.

"Ladies and Gentleman, nice to see you all doing good and well."

Once the Black Man entered the shop, he finally saw Team DRWBY, and how much they had changed.

"Sir Morrison, a pleasure to see you return again, would you like some tea or some type of beverage?"

The first one to introduce herself was Weiss Schnee, who looked different from the Teman-Ni-Gru arc; she had a new dress made of Dust Crystals, her legs were smoother and not rocky like before, and her hair, while still in a ponytail, had a more natural wavy look. The man, known as Morrison, shook his head no at the offer.

"Oh! Oh! Are you here for another job?!~"

Second up to introduce herself and change was Ruby Rose, her red tips of her long black hair hung over her shoulders, her red demonic scale hoodie looked as if she had been through some battles, and she wore pants instead of a skirt.

"Geeze, calm down Sis, he just got here, don't be so greedy~"

Yang was the third one to be introduced, and like the others, she had also changed, though unlike the others, she seemed to share the same style as her boyfriend, aka Dante, though with her own color and style. Her long blonde hair was put into a light braided ponytail, the silver devil eyes just pouts in response, while the black man just chuckled at this.

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