Just Clowning Around~

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"So, these are called 'Devil Arms'?"

Weiss was in the middle of asking her team leader some questions.


Dante remained calm as he accepted this interrogation from the Ice Queen

"Which are weapons made from Demon Souls?"

While Weiss was talking to the Red Coot, Ruby was practicing with her ice nunchucks, while Yang and Blake watched with interest.


Dante tried his best not to laugh as he saw Ruby accidentally trap herself in ice with the weapon.

"And you can earn these, 'Demon Weapons', if you either kill or make a deal with these Devil creature's?"

Weiss tried his best to ignore Yang and Blake breaking the ice and trying to free Ruby.

"Sounds about right."

Dante nods once again, confirming everything the Schnee had just said.

"... Your world is so strange and amazing."

It was all Weiss could conclude, despite how crazy it all sounded, knowing such a thing existed made her feel very envious that Remnant wasn't like Earth.

"I Know Right, I'm So Jealous!~"

Ruby, after being freed, could hardly contain her excitement at this newfound knowledge, while still admiring her leader's new weapon, which had been dubbed Cerberus.

"Is it possible for us to gain these Devil Arms?"

While Blake, while not disliking the weapon she had now, couldn't help but hope for upgrading to these 'Devil Arms', just having one of them would make her life much easier.

"Probably, just fight a powerful Demon and steal it's soul, the rest should come naturally, that's how it works for me."

Dante didn't see any reason why they couldn't get their hands on some Devil Arms; they were just normal weapons at the end of the day, demonic weapons, but still something that could be used by anyone.

"Oooh I wonder what mine would be, hopefully something cool, like some claws or kickass hammer, Ugh! So Cool!"

Yang was showing off her rare 'Weapon Geek Nerd' emotions, she couldn't help it, she was just loving this world more and more, something almost everyone could relate to.

"Well, since I've answered all your question, let's continue with our adventure~"

Assuming his questioning was over, Dante took his Nunchucks away, much to the Devil Huntress's dismay, and began to walk away.

"Actually Dante, there's still a lot of questions we-"

Weiss wanted to stop him and continue asking his unanswered questions, but was interrupted by the sound of crashing, which made everyone look and see a 'Lady' crashing into a motorcycle. This startled the four girls as they quickly backed away, avoiding getting hit, though Dante just wore a smirk as he did a front flip, nearly avoiding the stranger, while also getting a good look at this mysterious person. Soon, the Devil Hunter landed a few feet away and looked back at the Lady.

"Are you going to the party? What's the hurry, didn't ya get an invitation?"

Dante didn't seem fazed by the whole thing and calmly tried to talk to the Lady.

"You Dolt! She Almost Ran You Over, Be More Concern With Your Own Health!"

Weiss, and the others, were off to the side, and were in slight disbelief to see their leader just acting as if nothing had happened; it was such a headache sometimes, though, before the Red Coat could reply to that, the stranger quickly aimed her bazooka and shot a rocket at the man. This startled the girls and they were about to rush in to save him, but stopped when something unexpected happened—Dante, not only bent backward to dodge the attack, but managed to put his foot on the rocket and began to ride it like a skateboard or a surfboard. RWBY's jaws dropped when they witnessed their Devil Hunter riding around in the sky, doing tricks, and just having fun, before jumping off and letting it blow a hole in the ceiling.

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