Secret Reveal

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"You have been gone for a few hour's now, 'Trish', and you haven't once reported back to us, where were you?"

Weiss glares at the Devilish Lady. Her trust in her is not great, and it's getting smaller.

"Well, if you must know, 'Snow Angel', or should I say 'Fallen Snow Angel', I have been scouting and looking around, in hopes to find the location of Mundus, nearly dying doing so."

Trish glares back, clearly not appreciating any form of accusations towards her

"So if you don't mind, back off, or I'll make you."

Trish flicks the Demonic Schnee's nose, making her growl. In an instant, the tip of the Demonic Myrtenaster almost pierces the head of the Blonde Devil, which is stopped by the Man In Red grabbing the blade.

"Stop it Weiss, she has been through a lot to get us information, so behave or I'll make you."

Dante spoke in a cold, serious tone, much to the Corrupted Ice Queen's and the other Corrupted Gals' surprise, not expecting to see him defend her


Dante ordered the Dust User, who had done nothing but comply, to pull her weapons back and step away, which made him sigh in relief

"Please ignore Weiss, she always cares about professionalism and the like."

Dante apologized to the biker woman, who had huffed

"I only came here to give you these new locations that should get you where you need to go, so listen very closely."

Trish clearly doesn't care about the other's feelings, something the RWBY Girl's noticed, though she said nothing about it because they and their Leader began to listen to what the Blonde Devil had to say, which was mostly about new locations, new information about Mundus, and other important stuff like that, something that the Devil Hunting Group admittedly found very helpful. Once the Devil Lady said her peace and left, the Team decided to continue on with their mission. They went back into the castle and headed towards one of the locations they were told to go. However, while walking, a few teammates of RWBY couldn't help but question their leader's judgement.

"Um, I know we shouldn't kill her, since we don't have proof of her being an evil Devil, but why do you have so much trust in her?"

Ruby couldn't help but ask, not understanding his actions and choices.

"Well, she seems to know a lot of this place, and she has yet to steer us wrong, so there's no reason to not believe her."

Dante simply answered, and while it was true, it didn't convince the RWBY girls.

"Are you sure that's the only reason?..."

Yang couldn't help but narrow her eyes in suspicion, though her feelings were quickly interrupted by a deep kiss on the lips.

"Don't get jealous, you are the only one for me~"

Dante gave his devilish girlfriend a dashing yet reassuring smile, which made the corrupted blonde blush and nod, much to the groans of the dust user and hoodie girl, who were not pleased to see their teammates fall for such a simple trick.

"Can you all shut up already, we're here already."

Blake was annoyed by their conversation, as she didn't see the point of arguing about it, because even if Trish was evil, they could easily deal with her, and she trusted Dante's judgement and had no reason to question him, even though the hand holding was still annoying, but still, she still supported his choices. The Devilish Gals wanted to say something more, but decided to stop themselves and just accept it at the moment, not wanting to complain during the mission. A Devil Hunter appreciated and petted the Shadow Kitty's head in thanks, which she smacked away, making him chuckle as he walked up to a pair of big doors and opened it, revealing a big room, where a familiar-looking Armoured Devil stood near a window with a big sword.

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