S3 Part 32 - He's Lying To You

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AN: Hello! 🥰
Kind of a filler? This bit in the beginning is mostly of Shinso. If the timeline is confusing it's just what he was up to before you woke up 💁‍♀️

I think Overhaul is coming next chapter... or the next. I'm spontaneous 🤪

- earlier -

"I'm glad you came, mind tamer," Yuma said calmly. As if the encounter you all had earlier meant little.

Shinso lowered himself from the water tower and down onto the roof with his scarf. He brought everything this time - his vocal chords changer, scarf, anything he would need for a full-blown villain attack.

It was well passed midnight. Shinso had left you sound asleep in your bed. He wasn't sure this woman was actually going to show, but he came anyway, as most nights, to continue his pursuits.

"You wanted to meet," He said, "I'm surprised."

"Oh, yes," Yuma mulled. She stood near the edge, almost tauntingly so, "I reckon this very spot is where you killed one of mine. Of course, you don't like to get your hands dirty, do you. It's not real murder if the victim offed themselves, or it was an accident. Right?"

"Are you here for revenge?"

"No. But since you haven't brainwashed me yet, I think you're curious about what I have to say."

Shinso paused. The two challenged each other without words or movement. Sirens could be heard in the distance, along with faint shouts, crashing of vehicles - a typical night in the city anymore.

"I am," he gave in.

"Is my information better than the others you've already interrogated?"

"I'd like to find out," he said, taking a few steps closer but still keeping a safe distance, "What is your quirk anyway? Not the flashing light, my guess."

Yuma laughed, "You've truly found the jackpot. You see, I cannot lie. However, I can force truths out of others too. Only up to three questions at a time. So, ask the right questions, and you'll get your answers."

"Was that a lie?" He asked.

"Hmm," she grinned behind her mask, "It's funny, no one really asks that. They jump at the opportunity to get me to talk. But no, it's the truth. I am my king's greatest confidant and greatest risk."

"So you see," she continued, "I cannot be captured. Know this before you make any moves, young man."

"But you're offering your knowledge to me willingly? Why?" He asked.

"Perhaps to come to a compromise."

Shinso scoffed, "I'll only stop when (Y/N) is safe from all of you."

"Surely, we aren't the first to get your primal, protective instincts going?" She gave a shallow giggle, "I don't see you murdering off the villains who kidnapped her. Not to mention you've been gambling your life with that rotten info broker."

Shinso tightened his grip around his scarf, "Villains will always exist. But not all of them are offering her an empire of blood."

"I see!" Yuma said with more enthusiasm, "Then you'll be devastated to know the Yakuza is your next big target. Lucky you! If we're being technical, they're more about money, weapons - old fashioned crime business."

Shinso felt the weight of her words to his core. Another group? A big one. And he had only skimmed the surface of this cult. Was it all for nothing? He couldn't stop the inevitable after all?

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