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Chapter 3


Felix stormed through the dark streets, water splashing from different cars but he didn't mind. His focus was only on the way towards his home speaking of which made him tear up while running.

He immediately stopped on his tracks as he was faced with the familiar house. He hurried through the front door and knocked on it anxiously.
His eyes widened as a female answered the door. She was covered in bruises with tears flowing out of her eyes.
She pulled Felix into a hug and Felix hugged her back, holding on to her tightly. A few tears escaped his own eyes on seeing how broken his sister looked.

She kept cursing at someone and choking out sobs on the males embrace. Felix pet her head and held her close, he even pulled out a tissue for his sister. She cried out a small thank you and continued her weeping. Her tears stained Felix's shirt but he didn't mind and quietly brought her inside, closing the door behind him.

"What happened..?" He questioned while pulling the girl away and cupping her cheeks.
"Th-they..c-came..b-back..a-and.." hiccup.
Felix nodded on motioning her to continue.
"Th-they d-did..th-this.." she pulled the hem of her sleeve to reveal a bruise across her arm. It was all purple and clotted with blood from the harsh contact of a belt probably.
Felix immediately started tearing up but looked back up to his sister with a depressed look,
"I-I'm..sorry I wasn't there in time.."
"I-it's not y-your fa-fault.." she hiccuped and fell onto the males chest, gripping on his shirt and sobbing all over again. Felix couldn't bare to see his sister in such a bad condition.
"Don't worry, I promise they won't hurt you again yeah?"
"Th-that's what y-you always s-say..w-we bo-both kn-know w-we a-are helpless i-in front of th-them.."
"Please don't say that we have to stick together-"
"Because we are going through this together and will always have each other..I know! You always tell me the same thing over and over again!"
Felix didn't respond and looked pleadingly into his sisters eyes full of pity. She wiped off her tears and sniffled heavily while trying to straighten herself,
"Don't be." She said and got off the male. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired."
"Okay..sleep well noona.."
She hummed and left the male to himself in the living room while climbing upstairs to her room, probably to cry again.

Felix watched her go off as his expression fell into a depressed one all over again. He eyed the huge pile of his things messily placed in a corner. Most of things were soaked from the wet roads he had come from but he could've cared less. He went towards it and gripped his journal out. All of its pages were wet from dirty water and the pages were stained in brown. 'It's just water..it'll dry out..'

He unlocked his door and didn't even glance back behind him, heading out the dark streets. The only thing that gave him light was the lamps on the sidewalks which weren't so bright either. He was known to almost every street so he continued walking down the side walk, kicking a few rocks on his way. His head hung low as thoughts consumed his head.

It was one of those days where everything seemed hard for him to handle but these days it's almost everyday. Usually he'd head over to one of his favorite spots at night that helped him calm down. Two streets down his, through a bunch of rush you house holds until a nearby park.
The park was known for one of its famous decor, the water fountain. It even had a few benches surrounding it where couple usually sat at. For Felix's case, it was a place he'd come to calm down and try to sort his thoughts out by listening to the soft water running down the fountain.

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