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Chapter 7


Hyunjin watched the clock in the middle of the class, tapping on the desk eagerly.
"Just one more minute away from freedom..". He thought as the clock was just a minute away from 1:00 p.m. He mentally counted down to the last three seconds as the bell finally rung on the right time.

All the students started their loud chattering and headed out the door. The teacher didn't even mind and continued packing her own things. Hyunjin hurriedly stuffed everything in his backpack and sprinted out the door.
"I hope it's not too late.."
he hurried through the the crowds of people, stopping at his tracks when he spotted Jisung.
"Oh! Hey Hyunjin hyung-"
"Jisung! I'm so glad I found you! Here, keep these things back at my locker for me yeah? Thanks! I promise to pay you back!"
And just like that, Hyunjin sprinted towards the opposite direction leaving a clueless Jisung standing in the busy crowds of students.

Hyunjin panted heavily when he finally reached the art major building and looked around the students who he'd never seen before. He thought about asking one of the, if they knew where Felix was.
He spotted a male seated on one of the benches reading a book he held in his hands.
"He seems nice.." He thought while walking towards him.
"Hey, I'm really sorry to interrupt you, I'm Hyunjin from the science major building."
The puppy-like male lifted his head to be met with a nervous Hyunjin smiling at him. He smiled back and shook the male's hand,
"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Seungmin."
"Nice to meet you too Seungmin.." Seungmin smiled.
"So, What brings you here?"
"I was wondering if you know where my friend, Lee Felix was by any chance. He's also an art major.."
"Lee Felix.." seungmin tried to recall the male by mumbling his name under his breath. He thought for a while before looking up at him, "I've never heard of him before.." seungmin lied. He wasn't sure whether he could trust someone from the basketball team. He knew that most of them were playboys people bad news.
"Uhhh...he's like this blonde mullet guy..who always carries a small journal with him! He's also like a small kitten and the most adorable little being to ever exist, not to mention his smile and his little giggles oh my god-"
"Uhm..I'm pretty sure he's in the art studio or something.." Seungmin interrupted Hyunjin's description of Felix making the male flush in embarrassment.

He thanked Seungmin and headed in the building. He stopped before entering and ran back to Seungmin with a guilty smile,
"Uhm..do by any chance know where the art studio is..?"
Seungmin sighed and placed his book next to him, just as he was about to get up his boyfriend showed up behind him, wrapping his hands on the males waist.
"Hey baby~" he whispered into his ear while nibbling on it.
Seungmin whimpered and whined at him to stop.
Hyunjin awkwardly stood there with a blank expression. He had no idea what to do so he just watched silently.
The two finally pulled out making Hyunjin squint  his eyes towards Seungmin's boyfriend.
"Hey..I've seen you before.." he pointed towards Jeongin finding him extremely noticeable from earlier that morning. The same guy who Minho was making out in the classroom..was already taken..?

Jeongin widened his eyes as he recognized Hyunjin almost immediately and quickly ran towards him, holding his hand up to the males mouth. Hyunjin tried to push him away but his voice could only be heard in muffles.
"Uhh..baby I'll drop him to the art studio, be right back!"
Before Seungmin could question anything, the two flashed away. He shrugged it off and continued reading his book.

Jeongin backed the male up to the door of the art studio making him hit the door roughly on his back. He pulled his hand out from his mouth while glaring into his eyes,
"Don't you dare mutter a single word to him." He growled.
"And what if I do?"
"You won't."
"I might." Hyunjin pulled out his phone and showed him the picture of him and Minho he took earlier. It was meant for Felix at first but he could use it to more than one advantage now.
"That's right, go fuck yourself now." He patted the males head and was about to head inside the room until Jeongin held on to his wrist.
"Please delete that..I'll do anything..just please don't show it to him.." Jeongin felt tears build up in his eyes. Hyunjin felt a bit pitiful towards him now.
"I'll think about it."
"Thank you!" Jeongin quickly ran away back to his boyfriend and Hyunjin only watched him on his way out.

He sighed before turning the knob of the art studio and entering inside.
The room was dead silent with no trace of any students. It made him a bit worried that the younger was no where to be found. He only freaked out more after he checked almost every class in the art building including the shared cafeteria they had with the science majors.
No Felix was found making him tense up.
The rooftop was the only option left so he quickly climbed up the stairs and didn't even mind how tired he was from running around.

Once he reached the rooftop the soft breeze hit his skin making him calm down for a minute. He jerked up alertly when he heard two voices.
He slyly hid himself behind boxes of supplies stored in the rooftop.
The giggled sounded too familiar that he recognized them in just a minute.
"Felix..? What's he doing here..? What is he even laughing at..?"
He started listening closely and noticed another husky voice. He peeped through the boxes to find Felix and Minho sitting next to each other with their backs facing him.
It immediately shattered his heart into pieces on hearing how happy Felix felt while being with Minho.
He'd also never seen Minho that happy before in fact it might've been the first real smile he'd ever seen.

"Minho hyung! Your so funny! I never thought you were like this!" Felix said in between giggles. Minho chuckled back at him,
"What did you think I was like?"
Felix thought for a bit before replying again,
"A dickhead probably."
Minho gasped dramatically making Felix grip on his stomach and laugh out loudly once again. Before he could sit up straight, Minho pounded over him and started tickling him . Their laughs echoed through the empty rooftop..well not that empty except for Hyunjin watching them.

The scene seemed too familiar to which he had experienced earlier, only this time it was replaced by Minho.
It broke him on the inside and made him curse at himself for catching feelings so quick.
"Why did I have to get my feelings involved so quickly..?" He thought before getting up and heading back to the door.
His gaze was fixed to the ground as he checked his phone to find the picture of Jeongin and Minho making out still in view. He rolled his eyes at it and slipped his phone back in his pocket.

"At least he makes him happier.."

All the thoughts made his feet drag them on the own. He no longer felt the need to attend any of his classes at the moment and found an excuse to leave school early.
The nurse excused him knowing the male wasn't doing well mentally. He made sure to thank her as he was headed out to a particular place..his comfort place..

The water fountain..


A/u note :
      This ain't even about a water fountain anymore- hopefully y'all are enjoying it tho-

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