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Chapter 16


"He doesn't fucking like you.."

Hyunjin didn't bother trying to keep in his tears anymore and furiously punched a hole in the wall, barely noticing how he was all bruised in blood.

"Why did you have to fall for someone who doesn't even look at you the same..?"

He pulled his hand out from the wall that now had a huge crack on the side and leaned down the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest before weeping to himself.
The amount of times he'd been replaced would be countless but never had he ever experienced such emotions towards someone so strong.
It hurt him but he didn't care and continuously blamed himself for falling, even if they were unintentional.

A few hours passed until his house was echoing empty from his sobs.
Numbness slowly came over his weak body, as he stood up and dusted himself off before plopping on his bed and forcefully letting himself into slumber.



Felix closed the door behind him, immediately yelling out for his sister who he didn't see when he first entered.
He got no response and began to feel worried while throwing his bag off his shoulders, now frantically searching for his sister in every room.

A wave of relief came over his body when he spotted his sister peacefully sleeping on the couch.
He quietly approached her from behind and threw a blanket over her.
"Sleep well, noona.." Felix whispered to her before heading towards his bedroom.
"You too.." she mumbled back making Felix smile for a second.

The male entered his bathroom and quickly changed out of his clothes before lying falling backwards on his bed.
He went silent for a while until he realized how much of a mess his day was today.

*in spongebob voice* flashback~

Minho saw Hyunjin sprint away, his figure slowly starting to fade away until he felt a light pressure clinging onto his shoulder.
He glanced behind him to find Felix with teary eyes and messed up hair.
The sight made his heart drop as he started cupping the males cheeks, and pulling him into a tight hug.
Felix helplessly hugged back as his body shivered in fear, not being able to process what had happened.
"Shhh..it's okay baby..he's gone now.."
something about the sentence seemed more painful to him, which made him look up to Minho with his eyes sparkling from the moonlight.
"I-I don't want him gone hyung...I miss him.."
Felix was still hesitant on his words, clearly noticing that Minho didn't like Hyunjin's presence.
"Baby..he tried to hurt you..why on earth would you miss him?"
"H-he wouldn't h-hurt me..he c-cares and t-told me the t-truth..I've been really b-bad.."
he said with his voice squeaking at each word coming out of his mouth made it hard to manage the lump in his throat.
Minho didn't respond and quietly watched the male wipe the tears off his flushed cheeks before continuing,
"I know..b-because h-he was the o-one who s-saved m-me..W-we wouldn't have even m-met if it weren't for him..and all you did beat him u-up.."
"Are you blaming me for hurting him now?"
"N-no! I never said-"
"I can't believe you Felix. I saved you and all your worried about is that douchebag. Why don't you go behind him and have him save you!?"
Minho pushed the male before walking past him harshly.
"M-Minho wait-!"
Before the male heard him, he saw Minho fade away from his blurry vision which made him tear up more.
There he was, left alone in the freezing wind brushing past his thin material of clothing. He teared up all over again and started leaving out choked out sobs, while kneeling down, facing the water fountain.
Nothing made sense to him anymore as he squeezed his eyes shut, before he croaked out a particular name he didn't even know why he did,

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