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Chapter 33


"Me and Felix always used to sit here.."
Hyunjin said while fidgeting with his fingers as Heejin listened quietly. She grew tired of the male only talking about Felix and getting depressed more and more by each second.
"Will you ever stop talking about him?" She asked rather sassily than before.
Hyunjin looked up at her and sighed, "I don't know.."
"Well, I'm honestly tired of you not knowing. It's always us trying to figure out how much you want to love him and it's getting annoying by the second because all you do is get depressed over him."
"I-I'm sorry..I'm just confused.."
"And I'm not helping you figure it out anymore Hyunjin. I tried a lot but it's clear we're not getting anywhere with this."
He shook his head, his eyes trembling in fear on the thought of being left alone all to himself.
"Wait- no- Heejin, please, I can't do this by myself..I need you-"
She stood up before he could continue, "I'm sorry Hyunjin but I can't anymore."
"Wait- what no-"
He tried gripping on her arm but she yanked it away. He could feel tears build up in the corner of his eyes but she didn't even glance back at him. The last thing she mumbled was a small 'sorry' barely audible before storming out and leaving the male to himself.
Hyunjin watched her leave as the tears finally broke out.

Heejin could still hear his sobs and calls of her to come back but she tried to ignore them. She knew it wasn't the best option to leave him alone, especially since she was fully aware on how confused he was but she still took the choice of leaving him. Why? Because she herself had fallen in love.

It was ridiculous, and a shameful to happen but her feelings weren't being controlled.
Everytime Hyunjin would flirt with her, bring her roses and do all these sweet things but only had one reason to it. The reason being Felix.
She didn't despise Felix at all and found the two a fitting couple, it was just an unintentional feeling she developed.
Nothing could be done and she had enough of being used and her feelings played so she chose to end it there and then before her feelings took away the best of her.
Was it the right choice?


Felix glanced at his sister who was walking back home and shot her a smile, "noona!" He shouted, and pulled her into a hug not even minding the fact that they were in the middle of the road.
The female stumbled back a bit, also getting confused on the overly excited male.
"Noona, I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"I-I'm in love with Hyunjin.."
she chuckled a bit, not sure whether to be surprised or not.
"I know Felix."
"W-wait you do?"
"Of course, and he likes you back too lix."
Felix dropped the smile on his face, "no he doesn't..he has a girlfriend.."
she shook her head, "lix, girlfriend or no girlfriend, telling him about your feelings won't hurt now would it?"
"B-but what if he doesn't like me back.."
"Lix, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen."
"Go and found out!" She cut him off by giving him a pat on the back.
He nodded and glanced towards the water fountain.
"Y-yeah I can do this..just have to tell him.." he repeated in his head while approaching Hyunjin from his back.
As his steps got closer, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. It stopped when he heard quiet sobs coming from the male.
"W-what? Is he crying?" He questioned, getting closer to see Hyunjin burying his face in his hands and weeping.

"Jinnie hyung?" He spoke up making Hyunjin jerk up alertly. He glanced back at Felix who seemed worried and ran towards him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Felix.." he mumbled on the younger's chest, loving how comforting his presence felt. Felix felt the same and hugged him back, his mind wondering how to confess right after seeing Hyunjin cry.

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