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Chapter 6


"Hey Felix!"

Felix widened his eyes when he saw Hyunjin waiting outside his door.
"Jinnie hyung? What are you doing here?"
"I'm here so we can walk to school together, obviously." Hyunjin stated while jiggling the keys of his house in his hands. Felix smiled warmly at the male pulling him into a hug. Hyunjin was a bit taken aback by the sudden contact and blushed while hugging the younger back.

Felix's sister walked out of the front door and noticed the two males, a smirk forming on her lips while walking towards the two,
"Are you two lovebirds headed off to school yet?"
Felix whined at his sister after pulling out from Hyunjin, "Noona! He's just my friend!"
Hyunjin felt a bit hurt on hearing the younger but he knew he had no right to. They were just friends and that was the truth which hurt. He still smiled it off
His sister laughed it off as well and waved them off while heading her own way to work.

The two started walking side by side towards their school.
"Oh, and I hope you don't mind Minho hyung tagging along with us." Hyunjin spoke knowing they were headed towards Minho's house. Felix shivered on hearing his name with his heart quickening,
"Y-yeahh..I-I don't mind h-him tagging along.." the younger stuttered nervously.
Hyunjin could easily tell he was nervous by how red he had gotten just by hearing his name.
"If only you'd notice me doing the same when I hear your name.."

before they knew it, they spotted Minho standing near the bus stop, busy on his phone.
Hyunjin called his name out loud, making the male glance up at them. His face still had a blank and intimidating expression as he approached them.
"H-hi M-Minho.." Felix said while stuttering. Minho nodded towards him before they continued their walk.
During their walk, a group of girls whispered something to each other. One of them approached Minho and handed the male a bright red rose. Minho hesitantly took it from her and heard squeals and screeches by them.
He chose to ignore it as he sniffed the flower a bit. He noticed Felix staring down at the ground with a pout. He had to admit that he felt a weird feeling of guilt on seeing the male saddened.
"Erm..you can have this.." Minho handed him the rose as Felix smiled and mumbled a small thank you before accepting it with his face all red.
Minho didn't think much of it and continued walking with earphones plugged in his ears as for Felix who was blushing mess with the rose he held in his hand.

They finally reached the school as Minho had to leave the two behind, claiming he had 'important business' to attend to.
Felix screeched as loud as he could as soon as the male left,
"DID YOU SEE THAT!? LEE MINHO JUST GAVE ME A ROSE!" He shouted while shaking Hyunjin aggressively. The older groaned when he felt dizzy making Felix pull away and baby the flower more.
"Dramatic much?" He said sassily. "Me and dramatic? Nahh~"
"Whatever, I'm heading to class now. See ya later kitten~"
"Stop calling me that!"
Hyunjin chuckled and quickly headed off to his class. His smile slowly starting fading when he reached.

It was an expected scene, Minho and another male student that was seated on the desk were making out. More like eating each other's faces out hungrily. He felt goosebumps on his skin and almost gagged in disgust on the sight. Just two days ago, he was with another person and he's already cheating.
He coughed awkwardly while making himself enter the classroom. Both of them only ignored his existence making him roll his eyes and approach them.
"Stop it you two!" He pulled the males apart making them pant heavily with their hair all messed up,
"Why the fuck did you do that!?" The unfamiliar male shouted at Hyunjin.
"Because, Minho is already taken."
"So!? Why do you care!? It's none of YOUR fucking business!"
Hyunjin sighed in defeat and glanced over to Minho leaning on a desk with no trace of regret in his actions.
"At least get a room."
"We are in a room!"
"Not the classroom, class is starting in just a few minutes."
The male hissed in frustration while getting off the desk and spitting curse words towards him. He dragged Minho with him as a few other students entered the class.

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