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Chapter 22


Felix quietly walked alone towards his school, his mind getting clogged up by everything that happened between him and Minho.
He would've never even had the courage to get himself to attend school but he somehow managed with the support of his sister and Hyunjin of course.
The older however, wasn't there to walk him to school because he had a meet up with his team members.
All the bad memories of the day before rushed into his head like a huge storm but he looked completely calm on the outside.
He finally reached his school and luckily didn't spot Minho anywhere.

He furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't spot any students in the hallways either. It was strange because it was early and crowds of people chattering would fill the hallways every time.
It was dead silent until he heard soft mumbling coming from somewhere.
"Rooftop fight!"
A person shouted while pushing past Felix making him drop his journal. He quickly picked it up and wondered what the male was talking about.
"A fight? On the rooftop?" He thought about for a while until he finally decided to check it out.
As he was approaching closer and closer, the whispers slowly turned into shouts from the students.
"Maybe that's where everyone went.." he thought before pushing on the handle of the door.
The crowds of students covered his view as a few people were recording on their phones.
Somehow he felt uneasy on it, and pushed passed the people to get a clearer view.

His heart immediately stopped beating for a good few seconds on the sight.

Hyunjin knocked on the floor..covered in blood..his face all bruised..
What hurt more was when he saw Minho stumble on top of him and punch him a repeated amount of times, earning shouts of cheers from the crowd.
Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes when he saw Hyunjin wincing in pain and trying to step away from Minho.
He couldn't stand it one bit and immediately dropped all his belongings, rushing towards the two.
"Minho stop!"
He gripped on Minho's arm trying to get him to stop but the male pushed him away make him stumble on the floor with force.
He struggled to stand back up and continued to push the older away.
Minho however still kept his gaze fixed towards Hyunjin, his eyes painted red and his knuckles all stained in blood.
A few other people eventually rushed towards them, holding onto Minho and pulling him away from the weakly bruised Hyunjin.
Felix didn't mind the people shouting for him and quickly crawled near Hyunjin, holding onto him and crying onto his chest.
He turned towards Minho who finally had taken notice of him. The older immediately widened his eyes on seeing him, "F-Felix? Wait no.." he tried pulling away from the people gripping onto him but failed since he was outnumbered.
"P-please..l-let me explain.."

Felix stood up and approached the male, raising his hand and landing it right across the older's face.

"That's for being a bitch to my bestfriend." He spat out in his broken voice full of tears.
Minho stood silent along with the crowds of students lowering their voices down as they watched in silence.
The cheers now became whispers and numerous camera clicks.

"What's happening here!?"
The voice of the vice principle echoed into the rooftop as he rushed in front of the scene. He glanced at the fully bruised Hyunjin on the ground and Minho being held back by the students.
He rubbed his forehead in frustration.
"Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix I want the three of you in my office right now." He pointed towards Felix.
"Lee Felix and Hwang Hyunjin in the nurse office first."
He didn't utter a word other than that and quickly addressed all the students to go back to their respective classes.
Minho was dragged out from the students leaving Felix and Hyunjin the only ones on the rooftop.

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