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Chapter 25


Felix rested his head inside the crook of the older's neck as they stared into the dark night full of bright stars that night.
The stars diminished themselves to fit in the males full doe eyes as he lifted himself and faced the older with a blank expression,
"Jinnie hyung.."
"Yes lixie?"
He deeply inhaled, gathering all the courage he had left in his body before speaking up to him,
"D-do you have anybody you like at the moment..?"
Hyunjin didn't respond at first, trying to think of a convenient answer.
"How am I supposed to tell that I'm in love with him..?"

Felix understood the silence and laid his head back on the older's chest, staring deeply into the water fountain that sat gleaming in the dark night.
It was Hyunjin's chance to gather all his might to answer him,
"I do.."
Felix took a few moments to process his answers and felt the burning sensation of jealous come over him, only this time it seemed more saddened.
"You do?"
Hyunjin nodded and started caressing the younger's head, threading through his hair occasionally.

"'Like' wouldn't be enough to describe how I feel for them.."
"Then what would?"


"They make me feel so much..it would be a lie for me to say it isn't love."
"You know what love is?"
"At first no, but this one person made me change a lot.. I've never really loved a person as much but this one person came in and changed a lot for me. I don't ever want to leave their side no matter what happens and protect them with everything I have..because they, they taught me a lot.."
"Wow..you must really love them.."
"I do..but there's this one problem.."
"What problem?"

"I'm the only one crazily in love.."

"W-what? You mean..they don't love you back? That's ridiculous! Who wouldn't love Hwang fucking Hyunjin!? I'm telling you Jinnie hyung, whoever doesn't love you back is an idiot!"

Hyunjin chuckled on the younger's passive aggression without even knowing the person was him.
He starts ruffling the younger's head to cool him down and it somehow worked.

"You know lixie, they aren't the idiot..I am."
"Why you?"
"For falling in love in the first place..It was my fault to fall for someone that is clearly out of my reach.."

Felix felt his heart burn up in aggression towards the person the older was referring to. They even made Hyunjin feel like it was his fault for developing feelings.
He faced the older and cupped his cheeks, initiating eye contact.

"It's not your fault for falling in love. You aren't an idiot just because of something you can't control, had developed. If anything they are an idiot for not seeing how much of an amazing person you are.
You are fucking beautiful Hyunjin, inside and out.
Don't ever have someone who can't see that make you feel any lesser."

Hyunjin let out a smile on hearing the younger's words, almost tearing up from hearing them.
He took the younger's hands in his own and inched into his face, making their foreheads touch each other's.

"Thank you lixie."
"For what?"
"For opening my eyes." He replied and pulled out, leaving a small peck on the younger's forehead. "Let's get you home now, it's getting late."


"Hyunjin?" Felix's sister noticed the male in the living room, fixing his outfit and getting ready to leave earlier than usual. "Where are you going this early?"
The male chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his hair,
"I have to meet up with someone." He replied before hurrying out the door leaving her confused.
She shrugged it off and headed towards the kitchen to make her routinely morning coffee.

A few hours had passed until a groaning Felix walked towards her in the living room, dragging his blanket and plushy in his arms.
"Good morning noona." His voice was still hoarse from waking up.
"Good morning lix." She replied back, her eyes still glued to the magazine in her hands.
"Wheres Jinnie hyung?"
"He left early."
"Left early? To where? Weren't we suspended for like two days?"
She glared at the male making him awkwardly chuckle in response.
"O-oh yeah..about that.."
"I know."
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion,
"You do?"
"Yup, I got a call informing you were suspended for two days."
"And you aren't mad?"
"Hm..not that much. As long as your passing."

He was still sketched out but reminded himself for what he was actually wanting to know, "anyways, where'd you say Jinnie hyung left early to?"
"I don't know really, he didn't tell me where he left but he said he was meeting up with someone."

"Meeting up with someone? Wait..what if it's that person he said he was in love with yesterday?
Did he get the courage to tell them after I gave him that encouragement..
Great. Now I feel like I shouldn't have done that.."
His thoughts slowly started haunting his head making him shake them away temporarily and hurry to his bedroom.
He quickly threw on a lazy outfit and hurried out the door, not forgetting his phone.
"I'm going out noona!" He shouted before spiriting out the door.

His steps were messy and hurried until he had to come to a stop to catch his breath.
He pulled out his phone to track the older's location and followed it step by step now.
"He's not that far away.." he thought before following the route and stopping a good few steps away from it.
It was a sketchy Chinese restaurant with people hurrying and loud shouts of orders in Chinese from the registers. 
He hid behind a tree decor and peaked out, trying to spot the older until his eyes landed on a familiar male sitting on the seats with his back faced towards him.
It was so obvious it was Hyunjin so a smile grew on his lips as he started walking towards him.
He seemed to be sitting alone and waiting for someone so a warm fuzzy feeling filled the younger's heart,
"Is he waiting for me? Awe..how sweet."

The smile on his face soon dropped when a girl approached Hyunjin with a wide smile and sitting in front of him.
He hid behind the tree once again and stared at the two who were all giggly and happy.
"Maybe he is confessing to his special someone.."
the weird thing was that Felix had never seen Hyunjin with her ever and she looked awfully unfamiliar so it was impossible that she went to the same school as them.
It was all a bit doubtful but when he glanced back at them, he noticed how they had their hands intertwined with Hyunjin's thumb caressing hers.
It broke down his heart into pieces even if it shouldn't had hurt.

"Fuck..what's happening to me.."

His lips trembled as tears started to flow down his cheeks making him completely confused.
"Why am I crying again..?"
He simply stood up and turned his way around, heading back to his comfort place.

"What are you doing to me Hwang Hyunjin.."


A/u note:
      Sorry for the late update (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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