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Chapter 32


"Hey lix!" Jisung smiled, giving Felix a pat on the back.
Felix stumbled a bit and tried to hide the fact that it hurt, "hey sungie..why are you here?"
"Am I not allowed to hang with my bestie now~?"
Felix rolled his eyes, "you broke up with your sugar daddy didn't you."
"Yup.." Jisung whined and threw himself on the floor, continue to roll on it.
"Your making the carpet dirty Jisung."
Felix turned towards Seungmin who had entered, "oh hey Minnie, didn't know you were here too."
"Yeah, well I am now."
He continued, taking out all his homework and laptop from his bag and organizing it on the table.
"Minnie, did you really come all the way to my house just to study?"
"And because your sister told us to check up on you. She told us about how traumatized you looked after coming home last night.." Jisung added, wondering why she sounded so worried.
"What even happened—"
Felix stopped him and sat beside him, turning the TV so he could get distracted.

"By the way lix, did you get anything else from my secret admirer~" Jisung emphasized on the 'secret admirer' part.
Felix stopped to think for a minute before shaking his head towards him.
"Really? Nothing? Do you think he's planning for something bigger?"
"How do you know it's a he?" Seungmin questioned, his gaze not leaving his computer.
"I'm pretty sure no girl would go for a gay guy. I mean everybody knows I'm not interested in girls."
"I don't know sungie..maybe the person who you love might be someone you know.." Felix continued, hoping Jisung wouldn't catch on to what he meant.
Lucky for him, Jisung only got more curious. His eyes suddenly widened as if he'd just remembered something, "that reminds me! I saw this number that came with the flowers, there's no name on it sadly.."
Felix gulped.
"Do you think I should give him a call and find out who he is right now?" Jisung asked pulling his phone out.
"Why don't you text him instead, I mean I'm pretty sure your 'secret admirer' would like to be kept a secret." Seungmin added.
Jisung nodded, "good idea." He quickly started typing down the number and sending a text.

Felix remained zoned out during their entire conversation. There wasn't any start to any of it. Whether he should be worried about the kiss he and Hyunjin shared the day before, even when both of them were in committed relationships or the fact that Jisung's secret admirer was Minho. Everything was a big Scribble in his mind so he finally decided to ask his friends for advice.
"Guys.." he spoke up making both of them shot their heads towards him.
"I-I'm confused..and scared."
Seungmin and Jisung eyed each other on his sudden change of emotion and looked back to him with eyes of worry.
"Of what lix?"
"I don't know if I can tell you about it exactly.."
"You don't have to lix. We're your friends and won't force you on anything..but if your confused you can tell us about it and maybe we can help." Seungmin smiled, placing his hand on the males shoulder.
Felix inhaled sharply,

"I think I cheated.."


"W-wait let me explain!"

"Go on."

Felix spent two hours explaining his friends about everything, all about the kiss he shared with Hyunjin twice and the Minho situation. Both of them listened attentively.
After he finished, the two remained silent until Seungmin broke it,



"I think your in love with Hyunjin.."

Felix widened his eyes in disbelief. "Why does everyone say that!? I'm not in love!I just love him as my bestfriend.."

Jisung facepalmed himself, "lix, your making yourself look dumb in front of me. I didn't think that was even possible."

"I'm not dumb!"

"No, you are fucking blind." Seungmin shot back. "If you really like him as your 'bestfriend', describe how you feel about him."

"Okay..uhm..so Hyunjin hyung is my best friend that I always want by my side and sometimes kiss.."

Jisung raised an eyebrow, cockily nodding towards him, "okay..now how does he make you feel?"

"Oh, him.." Felix unintentionally creased a smile on his face just by the effect the olde head left on him, "he just makes me feel so loved..and I love it when he does because every touch we share just brings this weird feeling in me that even Minho can't make me feel-..." Felix stopped midway his sentence, realization slowly starting to hit him.

Seungmin and Jisung smirked, victory coming over their souls just by the knowing look Felix had on his face.


"I am in love with Hyunjin.."


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