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Chapter 17


The water sat shimmering in the dusty white sinkhole, slightly overflowing from its basin. Indentation of the blonde male could easily be made out from the clear waters as he wished upon it.
Blue skies surrounding him making the mood seem happy even if it weren't for the male standing under the steaming sun.
His eyes fluttered shut as his hands form fists while holding them up his chest, mumbling the words that he begged were true.
What he didn't know was the fountain could listen,feel and grant, just not as much he could plan.
A weird feeling sent shivers down his spine making him clench himself tightly in his position.
His eyes fluttered open, now to be met with the skies getting covered with dark grey clouds right in front of his eyes. What was it? He questioned before glancing around his surroundings to find them closing towards him with a foggy substance.
Biting down his lip in nervousness and nausea, a light tap he felt on his shoulder.
A quick glance behind him was enough to make his heart flutter all over again.
There he was, looking up to him with the purest of eyes, hiding the darkest of pain.
What are you doing?
The shorter chuckled before tucking his hair behind his ear and locking their eyes once and for all.
All his doubts disappeared before he started leaning against the male, closing the gap between their bodies.
I want you..I choose you..
The words rang bells in his head making a smile crease up his chapped lips.
Was it really happening?
He questioned himself before giving more support to the male by gripping on his waist.
His eyes had the entire universe of stars holding in them, a few stars spilling onto his cheeks as freckles.
Glancing back at those irresistible lips he has waited for from day 1 now remained an inch away from his own.
His eyes found their way to shut themselves, waiting for the sensation of the others lips.
A small voice, more like a whisper echoed in his ears making him furrow his eyebrows to hear it more clearly..

It shouldn't familiar..
"You.." the shorter whispered.

"Hyunjin hyung!"
The older groaned before forcefully opening his eyes to find a slight pressure applied on his body.
"Hyung! Are you finally awake yet!?" Felix yelled right in front of the older's face, slightly bouncing on his stomach in order to wake the older up who was in deep sleep.
"W-what?" Hyunjin croaked out, a bit disappointed the younger had woke him up when he was getting to the best part of his dream.
"Hyung! You fell asleep while we were watching the movie!"

"So it was all a dream..
     What did I even expect.."

"S-sorry kitten, I guess I was just a bit tired."
Hyunjin patted the younger's head as he got off his body making him sit up straight.
"Hyung~! Are you really tired or am I just boring?"
Felix felt a little disappointed and pouted while crossing his arms and sitting next to the older.
Hyunjin chuckled at his cuteness and ruffled his hair. "Your not boring kitten, I promise I was just tired."
"W-what are you tired from..?"

Hyunjin went silent before deeply inhaling, "from..yesterday.."
Guilt immediately came on the younger as he almost teared up from seeing how bruised the older was, yet he made time to take care of him today.
"Hyung..can you do me a favor?"
Hyunjin looked at the male curiously, "sure."
"L-let me take care of you.."
The older looked at him confusedly before cupping his cheeks, "lixie-"
"No hyung! I know your gonna say that I'm already helping but it's not satisfying me enough! I wanna do more so..will you let me please..?"
Hyunjin couldn't resist the puppy eyes the younger was giving and huffed before pulling his hands away from his cheeks.
"Okay fine.."
Felix smiled widely and shot up from his seat, skipping towards the kitchen and pulling a pack of ice from the freezer.
It reminded him of earlier when he spotted his sister doing the same to him and had to admit that he was a teeny bit jealous.

He returned back with the ice pack in his hands and settled down next to the older.
Hyunjin watched as the male checked the temperature of the ice pack before gently rubbing it against the bruise under his eye.
"You have no idea how badly I wanted to treat that." Felix added making Hyunjin chuckle.
A silence grew upon the two until Felix applied too much pressure against the older making Hyunjin hiss is breath from the coldness.
The younger quickly removed the ice pack away and looked around to find no tissues or towel to wipe the older's face with.
He gave up and used the end of his sleeve instead.
It seemed to fluster both him and Hyunjin as a blush grew on both their faces when they unintentionally locked eye contact.
They looked away in synch while scratching their neck awkwardly.

"D-did you feel it too?"
Felix questioned hesitantly.
"That spark..?"
Hyunjin questioned to confirm it before Felix nodded in agreement.

He continued wiping off the older completely before shifting himself comfortably and resuming the movie from where it had stopped.
Hyunjin felt a bit cold and wrapped one of the blankets around him tighter only to feel colder.
Felix noticed him shivering before patting on his shoulder.
As whipped as Hyunjin was, he quickly shot his neck towards the male.
The younger didn't say a word and quietly scooted closer, before wrapping his arms around the male and pulling him closer.
Hyunjin was a bit startled by his actions but immediately melted into his arms on the contact.
He shifted his head on the younger's chest before laying comfortably on the couch with Felix threading to his hair.
The warmth he got from the younger made him addicted and squish himself closer towards the male.
"Awww, is Jinnie clingy?"
Felix questioned before giggling at himself.
Hyunjin hummed and felt his cheeks heat up from how close they were. The vanilla scent coming from the younger made him feel more comfortable and homey.
What he didn't notice, was that Felix was just as flustered as him, trying to concentrate on the movie instead of his mind wondering off into fantasy.


"Is everything ready yet!?"
Felix shouted.
Hyunjin shouted back before returning to the living room with a small box in his hands.
He handed it to Felix who took it and examined the fully wrapped gift box.
"Thank you Jinnie hyung! I owe you a ton!"
The older smiled at the younger as he watched him run off out the door.
"Good luck lixie!" He shouted making Felix stop at his tracks and turn towards Hyunjin once again.
He jogged his way back towards him before leaving a peck on his cheek, leaving Hyunjin alone with his cheeks all red.
"Thank you again!"
That was the last thing Hyunjin heard before he saw Felix run up to Minho standing against his car that was parked in front of his house.
He saw them exchange their gifts where Minho handed him a bouquet of red roses and Felix handing him the small gift box.
They hugged each other and connected their lips right in front of Hyunjin.
The older just watched them with his heart slowly crushing down. He managed to let out a fake smile as he waved them off and saw the car fade away from his sight.
Despite him smiling widely a small tear rolled down his cheeks, already missing the presence of the younger.

"Why don't you tell him?" A voice spoke from behind him before it came to a stand next to him.
"What's the point..? It's not like he likes me anyways.."
the female huffed her breath on hearing him.
"I doubt that. But it would also help you to remove it from your chest instead of having yourself hurt like that."
"It's not going to change anything...
                                  He's happier with him.."


A/u note :

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