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Chapter 26


"I'm here.." Hyunjin panted as soon as he reached the designated restaurant the male had told him to meet up at. "Why did you want to talk this early, all alone again?"

Minho eyed the male from top to bottom before leaving a sigh and uncrossing his arms,
"Okay..erm..I wanted to..tell you something..important."

Hyunjin finally caught on to his breath and faced the male. "Well, I'm here now are you going to tell me about it or..?"

"I uhm..I-I'm sorry."

Hyunjin didn't respond and took a good few minutes to process his words. He was still shocked after hearing him though.
"The Lee Minho aka the most arrogant and cold hearted hoe, just apologize to me?"
"Excuse me?" Hyunjin asked again, reassuring if he was even hearing right.
Minho hesitated a bit but mumbled the words out again,
"I said I was sorry."
"Pfffft- oh, I'm incredibly sorry but what exactly do you mean by 'I'm sorry'?"
"Hyunjin. Stop playing with me right now. I said I was sorry."
"I'm not playing Minho-ssi. Did you really think those words are going to have an affect on me?"
"Look, I know you probably don't want to forgive me after all I've done to you but I'm just coming clear now and apologizing because I realized how much of a bitch I was."
"Ya think?"
"I don't really mind if you don't forgive me but can I at least make up to you?"

Hyunjin stopped on hearing his words, thinking about it in his head, "what exactly do you plan on doing Minho?"
Minho let out a smirk when he understood that the male at least seemed a little bit interested, "do you remember that time I made out with your blind date?"
Hyunjin nodded.
"Well..I've arranged someone else and I promise you that she is totally your type-"
Hyunjin cut off the male before he could continue, "woah woah woah, slow down there bunny boy. I'm not interested in looking for anyone at the moment especially a girl. I thought you knew about my preference for guys more than girls."
"But you still have a chance Hyunjin! Like I was saying, she is really your type and I'm sure you'll love her."
Hyunjin obviously wasn't liking where this was going but the younger's words flashed through his head,

"If anything they are the idiot for not seeing how much of an amazing person you are.
You are fucking beautiful Hyunjin, inside and out.
Don't ever have someone who can't see that make you feel any lesser."
"Well..it's time I start implying some of those confidential words instead of falling for the 'idiot'."

He deeply sighed and looked up to Minho who was giving him a pleasing look.
He couldn't help but sloop his shoulders at the male, already hating the thought of having to love someone other than Felix.


Minho flashed a smile at him before patting his back and dragging him towards one of the tables.
"Sit here, she'll be right over."
"Are you sure I'm not going to get ditched again?"
Minho gave him another smile. "Of course not, I'll be here until she arrives."
Hyunjin nodded as he saw the male sit two tables across him.

He waited patiently and started tapping on the table while biting the dry skin off his lips.
15 minutes had already passed as a female in a short white dress with a leather jacket approached him.
"Hey uhh..are you Hwang Hyunjin by any chance?"
Hyunjin smiled on seeing her beauty, "yes that's me, I'm assuming your my blind date?"
She nodded and took a seat in front of him with a blush coating her cheeks.
"I'm Heejin." She said while looking up to the male shyly.
The waiter came up to their table, taking down their orders as they started introducing each other and getting to know more.
Hyunjin could feel her hand slowly making its way towards his before she placed in top of his.
He had to admit it was bit uncomfortable at first but tried brushing it off, paying attention to what she was talking about more.

Minho felt satisfied on seeing the two already holding hands and stood up to leave.
He saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes as soon as he exited the restaurant.
He spotted Felix squatting down next to a small tree and staring and Hyunjin and his date.
What made it weirder was that Felix seemed to be crying..?
He couldn't get a perfect view nor could he even confront of the male and just saw him rush away from his view.
He decided to shrug it off and head his own way.


"Noona! Hyunjin has a girlfriend!"
Felix busted down the front door and hurried to his living room just to scream those words out to his sister who spat her coffee out in shock.
"H-he has a girlfriend.."
Felix's sister remained the shock expression on her face and hurried towards the male who seemed to be saddened with dried up tears stained on his cheeks.
"Lixie, I think your not doing well..your probably sleep talking right now-"
"No noona! I saw it with my own eyes..he was holding hands with this girl.." Felix felt the tears starting to form again, just by the remembrance on seeing the two holding hands.
"Lix, it was probably just holding hands and nothing to skip conclusions about-"
"But noona..they seemed so happy..and..
..In love.."

"Your probably overthinking things lix-"
"What if I'm not noona?"
The female remained silent on his words.
"What if he's actually loving someone..? Maybe I'm not overthinking things..or maybe I am..but that doesn't add the chances of it being fake..maybe he finally started using that stupid advice I gave him.."
he didn't even notice the tears starting to stream down his cheeks,
"N-noona..I regret everything I said..I want him to be happy and feel loved but..it hurts me.."
he started choking out sobs with his voice getting breaky,
The female still remained silent, hearing the male spill his heart out and quietly wrapped her arms around him.
Felix cried into her shoulder,

"W-what if he doesn't love me anymore.."

"Don't be crazy lix, he'll never stop loving you."

"What if one day he doesn't and realizes that my love isn't enough?"

"See, now your just overthinking things. Go take some more rest lix, I promise Hyunjin isn't going anywhere. I'll make sure of it okay?"
Felix sniffled and lifted away from her, "o-okay.."
he headed towards his bedroom while wiping away the tears.

"Why am I so selfish?"


A/u note : 
               Minlix return?

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