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Chapter 20


"Hyunjin-ssi! Glad to have you back!" Jisung jogged his way towards Hyunjin, passing him the basketball "Almost thought you left the team!" He joked.
Hyunjin let out sarcastic laugh towards him.
His gaze fell upon Felix who was seated near the benches across the gym. He let out a small smile on his face and followed Jisung to practice.
Minho stepped inside the gym and gave Felix a peck on his lips for everyone in the place to know who he belonged to, especially Hyunjin.
Felix sat clueless, scribbling on his notebook while watching his boyfriend.

The male wasn't in a mood of doodling at the time because of his recent art block so he decided to pay attention to the practice game.
While he was watching Minho, something caught his attention.
It was a girl approaching Hyunjin, repeatedly asking for his signature on a piece of paper.
It shouldn't have bothered him too much but when the girl walked away before giving him a hug, made a weird feeling come over him again.
"Am i jealous..?"
He quickly shook the thought away and tried focusing on Minho but he repeatedly got distracted when he considered Hyunjin actually dating someone else.
For some reason it made him angry and sad at the same time but he didn't know why.
He jerked up alertly when he get someone tugging him over his shoulder.
"Oh hey Seungmin!"
Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows and gave him a questioning look,
"We're you staring at Hyunjin hyung?"
"N-no!" Felix lied, his cheeks slowly starting heat up.
"Oh, okay. Anyways why didn't you come to school for the past few days. All the teachers were asking for you."
"Oh..I wasn't feeling very well and were the teachers really asking for me?"
Felix never thought any teachers even knew his existence because he usually used to keep himself out of too much attention.
"Yeah! They even said they missed your art pieces you make."

Felix made an 'oh' face understandingly and continued his conversation with Seungmin, catching up to what he had missed for the past few days. He also learned Jeongin was being distant to Seungmin recently which was weird because the two were always clingy and madly in love.
"Well, I can talk to Jeongin if you want Minnie."
"Thanks Lix, I'm happy you and Minho hyung are getting along though."
Felix forced a smile at him knowing what he said was only to not worry Seungmin more. He knew that deep inside Minho was also getting distant or maybe it was just his consciousness.
The older used to cancel many dates and leave the younger a lot of times
recently. Fights were a regular thing and he no longer felt that warmth and comfort he got from the older compared to the first time they started dating.
He missed Minho a lot but his mind couldn't even think straight because of this one person, Hyunjin.

"Lix, your spacing out again."
Felix shook his head, trying to fight back the tears building up in the corner of his eyes.
"Oh s-sorry."
"L-lix..are you crying?"
Felix shot up from his seat and quickly wiped off the tears overflowing from his eyes and excused himself by running in the locker rooms.
He immediately broke down on his knees and didn't even bother hiding the tears anymore.


Hyunjin saw the younger run out of the gym with his hands up to his face.
"Is he sick?"
It worried him a bit because of his 6th sense telling him something was off.
He would've checked up on him if it wasn't for the team captain telling him to continue practicing harder because of him not attending any of the previous classes.

After a while of practicing for long and hard hours, most of the members laid themselves down on the ground in exhaustion.
Hyunjin watched Minho leave as soon as practice had finished which made it more fishy.
He stumbled to stand straight and started heading out the gym, not too soon after Minho had already left.
The male went the opposite direction so he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
Seungmin was walking out of the gym at then, so he pulled the male by his sleeve. 
"Hey, do you know where Felix is?"
Seungmin pushed his sweaty hands away from his sleeve, "I think I saw him run towards the lockers. It looked like he was crying."
Hyunjin widened his eyes and ran towards the locker room, as fast as he could.
Seungmin huffed in frustration at the male, "a thank you would've been appreciated." He said to absolutely nobody.

Hyunjin stopped in front of the lockers and started banging on it, "lixie!? You in there!?"
He held his ear close to the door and heard soft sobbing making him more worried than he already was.
"Lixie..it's me. Please open the door.."
he didn't get any response from the male and mumbled a cuss word under his breath.
Just when he was about to get a hockey stick to open the door, it unlocked itself.
He rushed inside and saw the younger weakly laying on the floor. His eyes were all swollen from crying making Hyunjin's heart shatter instantly.
He kneeled down next to him,
"Lixie..what's wrong.."
Felix didn't respond and held his head low.
Just when Hyunjin was going to pull him into a hug, shuffling of clothes from the other side caught both of their attention.
Felix clinged onto the older's shoulder his body still shivering from crying so much.

Hyunjin held him close behind as they started approaching the set of lockers from the other side.
Felix peaked through his shoulder to see what the noise was about.

His heart immediately dropped and probably stopped beating when he was faced with the sight.

It was Minho

Pinning up Jeongin.

And kissing him.

They didn't even pull out until Felix had stumbled back on the floor, failing to run away without getting noticed.
Minho shot his back and almost freaked out on seeing the two males, especially Felix.
He let go of his grip on Jeongin,
"W-wait Felix..this isn't what it looks like-"

Felix already had tears rolling down his cheeks and quickly stood up, completely ignoring all the older's calls by running away.
Minho was going to run after him until Hyunjin stopped him.
"You've already done a lot." He spat out with pure hatred.
Minho pushed the male away from him, ready to run behind Felix again, only this time it was Jeongin holding him back.

"Please look after him.." Jeongin said towards Hyunjin unsteadily, his breathing slowly becoming lesser and lesser because of his own tears.
Hyunjin didn't waste a second before running behind Felix.


A/u note : 
      Now this is tea ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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