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Chapter 15


Hyunjin searched through his pockets, finally pulling out a few spare dollar bills and handing it to the owner of the shop.
A small plushy of a blue koala holding up a small heart sigh with the words 'I'm sorry' was handing back to him.
He shot a smile towards the owner before clutching the plushy closer to him, as he headed towards Minho's knowing Felix was probably there.
"Will he even forgive me? What if I get rejected again? What if -
He stopped on his tracks when he noticed the gates to Minho's mansion opening themselves for him.
"There's no going back now.."

He swore he could've pulled his heart out from his throat when he started approaching the front door.
In just a swing, he held his hand up front the door and started knocking on it.
It took a while to be answered until he heard clothing shifting from the other side.
He was faced with Minho from the other side and the latter had a confused expression held on his face when he eyed Hyunjin from head to toe.
"I-Is Felix here?"
Minho nodded and hesitantly let him in in the living room.
"Minho! What's taking so long~!"
Hyunjin felt a wave of relief come over him on hearing the familiar voice coming from the living room.
Minho entered the room with a smile when Felix leaped over him and started leaving pecks on the older's lips.
Although, Hyunjin was hurting and boiling in anger, he somehow managed to smile on his lips when he realized how happy Felix looked.
It took a while for Felix to notice Hyunjin when he glanced back at him. His eyes widened on seeing the male, running towards him with huge arms and pulling him into a hug.

Hyunjin was a bit taken aback from his actions but also let a smile crease his lips from the contact from the younger. The same went for Felix where he missed the older's embrace and also smiled widely against his chest.
He pulled out and looked up at the older with curious cat eyes,
"What are you doing here, hyung?"
"I-I came here to apologize.." he motioned the plushy towards Felix as the younger gripped on it gently, carefully reading through the wordings written as an unintentional smile formed on his lips.
"This is so cute hyung~!" He said while squishing the plushy to his chest.
Hyunjin cooed at the sight while scratching the back of his neck.
"It's nothing..just wanted to give it as an apology gift for ignoring you all week.."
"It's okay hyung..I really missed you.." Felix admitted shyly, his cheeks having a a shade of red coat them.
Hyunjin went the same color upon hearing the male.
"Do you wanna start over?"
Felix nodded eagerly, pulling the male into a quick hug before running back to Minho and hiding behind him.

Minho only shot glares towards Hyunjin before placing his hand around Felix's waist, demanding ownership of the male.
Hyunjin glared back at his actions. He could've pulled out his phone and showed Felix the pictures then and there but he didn't.
"You can leave now." Minho said, more like demanded.
Felix smacked the males arm, telling him to not be rude to his own friend.
"Oh I will. Next time I leave, I'm not going to leave alone. Keep that in mind Lee Minho."
Felix tilted his head in confusion and noticed the tension held in the room. Minho knew exactly what he was talking about and watched the male walk away as he faced Felix with a worried expression.
"Minho..what's wrong.?"
"Nothing baby. I just don't like him."
"Why? Isn't he your best friend?"
"Used to be. Not anymore."
Minho shrugged it off and began walking towards his front door, slipping his jacket on.
"Where are you going?"
"O-okay..take care..I'll see you tomorrow!"
Before his sentence finished, Minho walked away leaving him alone.
The male was quite confused on why Minho became moody all of a sudden after Hyunjin visited so he simply got his own jacket on, leaving to his home.

His whole way towards his house he was babying the plushy in his hands, thinking about none other than Hyunjin.
At this point it was normal for him to think about him almost every single second, sometimes even while he was with Minho he'd just think about him.
But to the oblivious male, he always thought it was because of the male ignoring him.
He stopped at the park and squinted his eyes towards the usual water fountain place.
As expected Hyunjin was seated in his usual position.
It had been a while since he'd visited the place especially because he thought Hyunjin would run away because of him.
They had made up now so it wouldn't hurt to visit him right..?

He approached Hyunjin from behind as quietly as he could, and placed his hand on his shoulder.
Hyunjin was startled heavily and fell off the bench, making Felix giggle out loudly.
The older just eyed the male with heart eyes all over him again. Yes, he'd promise himself to not fall for him but he couldn't help it.
After Felix caught on to his breath, he glanced back at Hyunjin staring at him and blushed silently before hurrying towards him.
He helped Hyunjin to stand up straight and blushed at every contact he had with the older. He didn't know why his heart fluttered but it did.
"S-sorry if I startled you too hard, hyung.."
"It's fine lixie."
Felix smiled at the male.
"What are you even doing here?"
"I-I came to visit you.."
Hyunjin sighed disappointed,
"Lixie, don't get me wrong I love everytime we hang out..but it's been ages since you've visited your sister..I met her earlier and you should've seen how depressed she looked because her own brother kept ignoring her."
Felix was taken aback by his words, guilt slowly coming over him. His guilt slowly turned into aggression.
"Oh so your teaching me about ignoring someone now huh?"
"After you ignored me for a whole damn week and left me all alone. When I finally take time to visit you, you start talking about how I'm ignoring my sister when you did the same to me."
Hyunjin was shocked on his words, guilt also coming over him when he noticed the tears building up in the corners of Felix's eyes
"I said I was sorry.."
"You think that's going to make up for all those lonely days I had to put up with?"
"What lonely days? Your always with Minho and have a whole group of friends. I had none Felix. You were all I had but you found Minho and left me alone that night. You didn't care about me so I started spacing myself away from you."
Felix remained silent on the sight of seeing tears roll down the older's cheeks as Hyunjin started backing him up.
"But after I finally apologize, and start telling you to stop being selfish. It's suddenly my fault. Why don't you just stop being so blind Felix!?"
He raised his voice a bit, that seemed to startle the younger more and cover himself with his hands, scared as if the male were going to hit him.
Hyunjin stopped as guilt was eating him on the inside while tying his heart in knots.
He was interrupted by him getting yanked onto the ground with a loud thud. He landed on his back and groaned in pain when he noticed Minho glaring into him from above.
Felix started tearing up in horror when he saw Minho kicking the males stomach repeatedly and stood silently watching, not being able to process anything at the moment.

Minho pulled him up using his collar and glared into his eyes, not minding the blood oozing out from his nose.
Hyunjin pushed himself away and backed up this time. He eyed Felix silently watching and shook his head in disappointment before running away.

"If only falling for you wasn't this hard.."


A/u note :
       Oooo they fighting for Felix~ who do y'all think Felix finna end up with?

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