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Chapter 31


"Sorry for that Minho." Felix sincerely apologized to the male, looking down in disappointment. Minho smirked and wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him closer.
"Why are you sorry baby? I loved that~"
Felix gulped nervously and removed the arm around his waist. "I'm s-sorry because I never meant that kiss.." the younger admitted.
Minho gave him a confused look, "what do you mean?"
"I-I did that to make..Hyunjin jealous that's all.." he mumbled under his breath but Minho heard him.
"Why? Isn't he your bestfriend or something?"
"Y-yeah, but we kinda had a fight..and he got a girlfriend so.."
Minho could clearly understand what Felix was trying to do. It didn't hurt him as much though, in fact he knew Felix has feelings towards Hyunjin but was too scared to admit it. Whatever it was, he wasn't going to leave him alone like last time.
"Well..are we going to continue?"
Felix looked up to him with a look of hope,
"I-if you don't mind.."
Minho smiled at him, "only if you forgive me."
Felix jumped in joy, pulling the male into a hug. "Of course I forgive you!" He said brightly, clinging on to him the entire time they walked towards his house.

Hyunjin watched them leave through his teary eyes. Heejin on his side sighed in frustration, already knowing where this was going to lead to.
"Hyunjin. Before you say it—"
"He doesn't love me!" The male cried, clinging on to her shoulder and crying his eyes out all over again.
Heejin was by far annoyed at his actions and smacked him, making him stand up straight.
She cupped his cheeks and stared down his dusty orbs,
"He loves you Hyunjin! He's just fucking blind to see it. And if your too blind to see that too then I guess you both are just some blind soulmates."
Hyunjin gained a little confidence and wiped away his tears, "y-yeah..your right..he does love me..w-we just have to make him realize right?"
She nodded making him pout.
"All we have to do is make him jealous and he'll come back running to you, yeah?"
he sniffled one last time, as the sound of Heejin's phone ringing interrupted them. She pulled it out and held it against her ear. She cut it off in just a minute, facing the male once again.
"I have to go Hyunjin, don't even think about crying over your boyfriend while I'm gone, okay?"
"I'll try..thanks for coming again Heejin.."
she smiled and waved him off, "no problem! Cya next time we make your boyfriend jealous!"
He chuckled a bit on hearing her and waved back.

A sigh left his mouth, it had been only two days without Felix by his side but he already felt miserable. Their cuddles and his cute screeching every time he beat him in his game, his cute freckles and giggles, everything about him made Hyunjin miserable.
Every time he'd felt this he would visit the only place that would bring him temporary comfort, the water fountain.
But it seems as though the place brought him a weird feeling. It did remind of Felix but also brought him a weird happiness as if Felix were right by his side.
He wasn't sure of it but still headed towards the place, the only place fitting for his emotional liking.

When he arrived, he noticed a male already occupying the bench he used to sit on.
He could tell just by the back profile and started to approach him.
"Hey.." he said awkwardly before taking a seat next to the male.
Felix didn't respond and just ignored his presence.
He didn't budge even when Hyunjin took a seat next to him.
"Are you just gonna ignore me?"
Felix let out a sigh in frustration, sloping his shoulders down in disappointment.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be ignoring you.."
"Would you like to tell me why you did think it was a good idea?"
He turned towards him, "your girlfriend.."
Hyunjin understood what he meant but decided to play dumb, "what about her?"
"Wait..she's actually your girlfriend?"
"Well, yeah..I mean isn't Minho your boyfriend again?"
Hyunjin nodded.
"Your boyfriend?"
Felix huffed once again, "yup.." he said rather in a saddened tone, thumping his back on the bench.
"Why do you sound disappointed though? You cried so much for him to come back..and he did.."
"I-I..I don't know why I'm feeling like this.."
"Like what?"
"It feels wrong..for some reason it's not Minho I want back.."
Hyunjin listened attentively, "so your not together?"
Felix shook his head, "We are but.." He stopped midway his sentence, growing frustrated by his own thoughts and feelings.

He scooted closer to Hyunjin, throwing his hands around the males neck.
Hyunjin gulped on hearing the younger call him his full name after a long time,
"Kiss me."
"Please kiss me."
Hyunjin hesitated on the sudden request, his cheeks starting to burn up in heat. He looked up to Felix who seemed serious about his actions and started leaning in slowly. Felix did the same, closing his eyes as their lips finally met each other's once again.
Felix took control this time, starting to move his lips to wander more. Hyunjin caught on and gained more confidence, wrapping his arms around the males waist, tilting his head in attempt to deepen the kiss. Felix granted him access and had their tongues tug against each other as they felt their teeth knock against each other's.
Both the males didn't want to pull out even if they were running low on oxygen. They wanted to stay in the current position, their lips collided with each other's like how they were meant to be.
The amount of emotions was unexplainable but brought immense thrill to both of them until they pulled out.
Their lips swollen and hair messy as they panted while staring at each other.

"T-that was.." Felix spoke up, "a-amazing—"
Hyunjin interrupted him by smashing their lips together once again, Felix didn't mind and kissed him passionately, loving how addictive the older tasted.
The sound of their sloppy and messy kissing filled the silence near the fountain with their surroundings slowly starting to fog up.

"He tastes so sweet and addictive~"


A/u note:
    I don't even know what this is 😀🔫

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