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Chapter 13


Felix heavily sighed as he laid himself on the benches. His day was exhausting and took all the left energy he had from his body.

It all started when Minho and him had to walk to school and as soon as they did, fangirls and fanboys swarmed their way towards Minho almost snatching his belongings away.
Sure, Minho was well known but he never imagined that he'd get mobbed like a celebrity. If it wasn't for Minho's strong grip on his wrist he would've already been yanked away from the crowds.
The screeching and the number of times Minho's name was called out while they walked to school was countless. And the fact that he was now his boyfriend created no difference to them. Most of them pretended that he didn't exist including Minho.
It hurt him but he brushed it off thinking Minho didn't want to get him involved to make a bigger scene.

Once they reached the school, it calmed down a bit. Felix on the other hand wasn't even sure if he could attend any classes anymore but he still somehow managed through the day.

There he was, laying tired on the benches in front of the cafeteria while gripping on his stomach.
He heard numerous footsteps approaching him making him shoot his eyes open,

"Hey Felix~"
It was Jisung. Followed by Jeongin and Seungmin running closely behind him. He spun a basketball on his index finger while facing the male with a smirk on his face.
"Walking to school with Minho Hmm~?"
"Don't even remind me of it. It was terrible."
He nagged and brought his knees up to his chest while fake crying to himself.
Seungmin rolled his eyes at the male,
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad."
"It was! Everyone was either pulling, pushing or screaming.."
"Well, that's what you get for walking to school with Mr. pretty boy"
"Whatever, he's still my boyfriend so I don't care."

"Oh okay, WAIT WHAT-"
Jisung dropped the ball and immediately ran after it in regret while yelling at the ball to stop rolling away from him as if it were listening.
Jeongin and Seungmin eyed each other before looking up to him,
"Y-your d-dating LEE FUCKING MINHO?"
Felix nodded with a smug face at the two shocked males.
"Since when!?"
"Last night at his birthday, I confessed and looks like he felt the same."
"Dang, y'all escalated fast-"
Felix lightly chuckled, "what can I say, we both must be madly in love each other that we can't wait."

Felix shot up from his seat when he heard the bell ring in the echoey hallway. He waved off the shocked males standing still with their jaw dropped and eyed Jisung from across the hallway, flirting with an unfamiliar face.
It was a typical Jisung move so he sighed and started heading towards his class.


Hyunjin had his head hung low the entire walk to school. He tired not to think too much about how he didn't have Felix by his side but obviously he tremendously failed.
Oh, how much he missed his presence even if it was just one night he hadn't seen the male.
He regretted almost everything from that night. He failed to pull away Felix from Minho's dirty deeds even if it happened right in front of him all because of his feelings were hurt. It was a very narcissistic move but there wasn't anything he could do in particular now that it happened.

His heart only ached when he caught a glimpse of Felix walking with Minho to school while holding their hands. It used to be him but as expected he was replaced easily.
The whole day he went unnoticed by everyone except for a few groups of people asking him to sign a petition.
He didn't mind, he just wanted to be alone for once.
Basically what his plan was to try to ignore Felix because there was no way he could show up to him after the incident, knowing it would hurt more and more.
Sure he felt saddened but then again, Felix wouldn't because he seemed so happy with Minho.
He began to rethink all the times and finally came to the conclusion that Felix only got close to him just to get to Minho.
Honestly, he expected it but something about the male made him ignore it only for his temporary satisfaction.
Whatever the case, all he wanted was to be left alone and ignored mostly everyone.

It was a short break between classes until he heard shifting coming from the janitors closet while he was keeping some of his books away in his locker.
It sounded more like whimpers the closer he got.
He'd usually ignore it until a familiar name being called out from inside caught his attention,
That immediately got him off guard as he started to approach the door. He assumed it was locked but still tried budging it and to his surprise it was left open.
He peaked inside to find Minho pinning up Jeongin against the wall as they were in between a messy make out session too busy to notice him.
"That bitch.." he muttered under his breath before closing the door and going his own way.
"He literally made out with Felix yesterday night and he's already with someone else..what did I even expect from that hoe."
He scoffed the males name while heading towards his class.

The whole time he was zoning out thinking about the whole Minho situation deciding whether to tell Felix or not.
He still had the picture so proof wasn't the problem, how Felix would react would be the problem.
"Would he even believe me..?"
Thinking of Felix he noticed how he'd never spotted the male since lunch which was quiet unexpected when he saw his friend group sitting without him.
He didn't had the nerve to go ask them where he was though, still not fully sure if Felix decided to stay back in the art studio.
"What if he's sick..?
What if they beat him up again..?"
Numerous what if's flooded his head making him more worried by the second. He silently sat to himself in the corner of the classroom still anticipating to be left free to at least make sure the male was fine.


A/u note :
    Short chapter <3

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