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Chapter 10


Felix lifted his head from the older's shoulder and intertwined their fingers once again. His eyes sparkle under the moonlight making them glisten while facing the older. Hyunjin was by far dazed by how amazing the male looked even if it was dark outside, his face lit up enough for him.
"I really love you..and I know that we met not too long ago but you have no idea how much I owe to you. You were there for me no matter what and never left my side no matter how hard the situation got..
I want you to stay by my side for the rest of my life..so will you promise you won't ever leave me..?"
The younger held up his pinky and pointed it towards the older, signaling him to wrap his own finger with his. Hyunjin quickly lifted his hand with a soft smile on his face.
His finger intertwined with the younger's setting their bond a stronger connection without them even realizing.
The older's finger was way bigger than the younger's making him hold on tighter to him. He glanced back at the younger admiring him from every corner. Whatever happened, he never got enough of the younger's presence nor his looks. It always brought him peace which is why he even caught feelings in the first place.

He leaned closer to the younger and left a gentle peck on his forehead, leaving Felix flustered as hell. He didn't respond and quietly laid next to the older as they both faced towards the water fountain in front of them.

"Jinnie hyung...there's just one more favor I want to ask you.."
"Anything for you."
"C-can you help me by being my wingman at Minho's birthday?"

Hyunjin immediately dropped the smile on his lips but the younger barely noticed as he was hoping the older to say yes while facing the overflowed fountain. Hyunjin was hesitant and bit his lip to swallow the huge lump forming in his throat. He felt dumb enough for actually believing the younger loved him the way he did. If he said no, the younger would get the wrong idea so he gave in no matter how hard it was for him,


Felix screeched and held the males arm tightly hugging it around himself. Hyunjin just let him and focused more on trying to prevent the tears daring to flow out of his eyes.

"Thank you so much jinnie hyung~ I owe you my everything!"
Felix shot up from the benches and held his hands on either sides of his waist before looking down at the older. He noticed the older's eyes with tears at the corner making him tilt his head in confusion,
"Hyung, are you okay?"
Hyunjin nodded and stood up straight next to him, wiping off the tears that had mistakenly spilled out. His face quickly changed into a warm smile on seeing the younger concerned.
"I'm okay lixie, don't worry so much about me."
"B-but I love you.."
"I love you too lixie, but believe me when I say I'm fine."
Felix still felt hesitant on the older but brushed it off since he didn't want to force the older into anything.
"Okay then, I'll be heading back home. My sister is probably waiting for me"
Felix smiled. Hyunjin smiled back before hugging the younger closely to his chest. Felix happily hugged him back feeling extreme warmth and a fuzzy feeling everytime he'd had contact with the older's touch. He ignored it temporarily and pulled out.

As he was walk away he stopped on his tracks and turned back to the older. Hyunjin was confused when he saw the male jogging up to him once again,
"Oh, and one more thing.."
Felix stood on the tip of his toes to reach the older's height and left a peck on his cheek before waving him off and running away back to his home.
Hyunjin froze at the spot still not able to process what the younger had just done. He even had to lift his hand and lightly press on his cheek to make sure he felt what he'd actually felt. It made him blush and smile a bit but it all hidden pain inside of it.


Felix ran up behind his best friend Seungmin who was running away from him while screaming like an idiot. "GIVE ME MY BAG OF GRAHAM CRACKERS BACK"
Seungmin shouted back and leaped over a bunch of desks, thinking it would make Felix struggle but was shocked when the male jumped over them like it was nothing. He got too distracted and tripped over air(?) falling on to the ground. Felix quickly jumped over his back and snatched the bag of biscuits back. He got off him as Seungmin groaned while getting up in pain.
Jeongin spotted the two and hurried to his boyfriend when he saw him in pain
"Baby? Are you okay?"
Jeongin shouted making Felix snap away nervously. He looked over to Jeongin and Seungmin having him glares. They stared at each other for a moment until Felix started sprinting in the opposite direction. Both the two followed behind shouting out cuss words while running after him.
Felix spotted Hyunjin walking down the hallway and quickly gripped onto the male, hiding behind him.
"H-hyung save me!"
Hyunjin looked over to two males running behind him and protectively secured his arms behind the younger.
"Hey! What do you want!?"
Seungmin and Jeongin eyed each other before looking back at Felix with a smug behind him.
"Erm..we just want that lil bitch cuz he stole my graham crackers."
"These are mine though!" Felix shouted back at them defensively.

Jisung walked up to them with his mouthful of crackers he was chewing on and an half empty bag in his hands. Felix gasped before stepping in front of Hyunjin.
"Hey guys-"
If it wasn't for Hyunjin holding the younger back, Jisung would've been dead by now but the older's grip was too strong to escape from.
"Calm down lixie, I'll buy you two more bags okay?"
Hyunjin nodded and booped the younger's nose making Felix squirm in joy. He shot up alertly and glanced back at his friends giving him smirks. He glared back at them,

"Anyways, guys I'd like you to meet Hyunjin. He's my new friend!"
"Hey we've met before!"
Seungmin remembered the males face and shook his hand with the older's as Jeongin eyed him with guilt painted all across his face. They shook hands with Jeongin gulping nervously as he tried to pretend he'd never seen him before. Jisung and Hyunjin were already known to each other so they didn't have to introduce themselves.

"Also I'd like to inform you all that I'm taking you with me to Minho's birthday party in two days!"
Jisung spat out what he was eating as both Jeongin and Seungmin had their jaw dropped in shock.
The two agreed as Jisung continued his words, choking the next minute. Hyunjin was already invited since he and Minho were already close friends.
"Erm..it's all thanks to Hyunjinnie hyung.."
Hyunjin cluelessly faced the younger with his face filled with confusion,
"Me?" He questioned confusedly as the younger only nodded in agreement.
"Yes you! He wouldn't even have gotten my number if it wasn't for you so it technically all thanks to your help."

Their conversation was interrupted by the bell ringing making Jisung groan in annoyance. He stuffed the bag of graham crackers back in his bag and waved Jeongin and Seungmin off. Hyunjin headed out soon after as Felix was the only one left. He went towards the male with a look of concern,
"Heard you've been getting close to Minho lately.."
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"I don't know but, just be careful..we all know what type of person he

Really is.."


A/u note :
     Guys I'm gonna time skip the two days to Minho's birthday party cuz I'm lazy and out of ideas so yeah

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