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Chapter 12


Hyunjin dragged his feet forcibly until he reached the familiar place. He had completely given and seated down on the benches right in front of his water fountain.
This wasn't the first time Minho had made out with the people he had a chance with but why did it hurt so much..?
Even the calm sparkling water didn't make him relaxed, only being reminded of Felix more and more.
He glanced at the empty spot next to him, picturing Felix all giggly and flustered when they first met.
A smile creased up at the corner of his lips but it soon dropped as the Felix from his imagination started fading away and the visualization of him kissing Minho appeared back.
The tears unintentionally flowed down his cheek, as a few more flowed out after it. Before he knew it, the male was a crying mess holding his knees upto and crying his heart out,
"Why did he had to make me feel loved..?"


Felix bit his bottom lip frantically darting his eyes in between the crowds of people, hoping he'd find the older.
He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist making him jerk up with a spark of hope in his eyes,
"Jinnie hyu- oh.."
Minho smiled warmly at the male the strong smell of alcohol coming from his mouth.
"What are you doing out here baby?"
Felix cringed a bit on the nickname, "kitten is way better.." he thought before replying to the male.
"I was looking for Hyunjinnie hyung, he stormed out earlier an-"
Minho stopped the male from talking by placing his finger on his soft lips.
"Stop worrying about him so much and spend time with your boyfriend~"
"Well obviously your my boyfriend now. Right?"
Felix bit his lip hesitantly,
"Isn't this what you wanted Felix..? Why does this feel wrong.."
He shook the thoughts away before nodding towards the older with a wide smile and a small blush. Minho smiled back and ruffled his hair before picking up the male and running back inside.

Felix whined at him but Minho only ignored him as he was carried all the way to his bedroom and locking the door behind him. He placed Felix on his bed and started unbuttoning his shirt.
The younger widened his eyes as the older's well toned abs were slowly becoming clearer in view when he threw the shirt material in the corner of the room.
"W-what are you doing..?"
Minho smirked and cupped the younger's cheeks before attaching their lips once again. 
The kiss was just as hungry as before, tasting every inch of the younger's lips addictively.
He started hovering over the younger, making him lay down flat below him.
His hands travelled all over the younger's small figure, stopping at his waist and slipping his hand inside the younger shirt.
Felix squirmed and gasped on the contact of the males cold hands to his stomach.
Minho used the opportunity to slip in his tongue inside the younger's mouth, tasting his wet carven.
After sucking on his tongue the whimpers the younger left out, signaling his was about of breath made him pull away breathlessly.

They panted heavily as Minho almost immediately started leaving pecks down the younger's neck.
Felix whimpered and rolled his eyes to the back of his head on the feeling.
He felt his hands get pinned up over his head and his shirt being yanked off in just a second.
The whimpers he left out went unnoticed by the older until he let out a loud whine on feeling the male rub his knee between his legs.
Minho shot his head and glared at the younger with seriousness painted all over his face.
He leaned over to the younger, still keeping the intimidating look on his face that seemed to terrify the younger.
"Quiet baby."
Felix nodded his head while his lips trembled when the older stared leaving dark purple hickeys all over his chest, neck and collarbones.
He had to admit he felt a bit dirty on having the older's alcohol smelt breath brush hickeys on his skin but he decided to not much think of it while he bit down on his lip to prevent any moans.

After a few hours of the older licking him and marking his entire torso from rough bite marks, he finally pulled out and started to unbuckle his belt.
Felix widened his eyes on his actions and quickly shot up, connecting their lips once again.
Thankfully, Minho got too distracted and eventually laid down next to him.
Before he knew it, the older blacked out , clinging onto him like a cat.
Felix let out a sigh in relief and hugged the male back before drifting off to sleep with him.


Warm sunshine and the smell of alcohol mixed with sex made the male flutter his eyes open. He rubbed his eyes softly before glancing at Minho laying next to him without his top.
He started regaining his memory from last night making him blush silently and snuggle closer to Minho.
All the shifting and the sound of sheets made seemed to wake up Minho. Felix smiled at the older who furrowed his eyebrows on seeing the male laid shirtless next to him.
"Good morning.."
Minho softly smiled and ruffled his hair, "good morning to you too baby."
Felix's stomach rumbled making both of them look down at his fully marked body,
The younger blushed in embarrassment as the older smiled and pecked his forehead before getting up from the bed.
He threw one of his shirts towards the younger as he left to his bathroom.
Felix silently sniffed the scented over sized shirt Minho handed him and began smiling like an idiot.
Before thinking, he yanked the shirt over his head. It went all down to his knees revealing his collar bones. He didn't mind and skipped his way out the bedroom.

The smell of alcohol only increased when he stepped out. The room was all messed up with spilled mess of plastic cups, confetti and a bunch of other things he didn't want to name out. There were even people blacked out which made him a bit concerned as he slowly made his way out the mansion.

Unlike other people Felix was warmly welcomed with sunshine hitting his face making his skin glow. He looked around Minho's front porch giving him flashbacks of Hyunjin once again..
the sight of the male tearing up after he kissed Minho shattered his heart more than it should've.
He swiftly pulled out his phone as it rung and almost immediately got cut.

This caller does not exist or has removed you from their contacts
yes | no


A/u note :
       Are you doing okay?

Don't lie.

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