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Chapter 23


"Hyung, Can you carry me?"
Felix whined from the soreness of his body, making the older groan in response.
"I asked you if we could bring my car or not but you said no lixie."
"Hyung please~"
Hyunjin turned his back to face the male that was pouting at him and smirked.
Felix furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "w-why are you looking at me like that?"
The older didn't respond, instead poked his cheek, motioning the younger to peck it.
Felix rolled his eyes but in reality could've turned into a blushing mess.
He stood on his tippy toes to reach the older's height and left a small peck and noticed the older with a wide smile when he pulled out.
"Good kitty~" Hyunjin turned his back and the younger hopped onto him quickly wrapping his arms around his neck as they started heading back.

They soon reached the desired destination, Felix jumped off the older's shoulders and hurried inside to greet his sister.
"Noona!" He smiled on seeing her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged back with a smile on her face.
Hyunjin followed soon after, making eye contact with his sister, immediately flushing in red from the look she gave.
They pulled out and Felix noticed the older being a blushing mess, the same aggression building up in him again.
It was normal for it to happen, what confused him was the reason why he felt it.
He loved both his sister and best friend equally so why did it hurt him if they even had something going on between them?
He shrugged it off and gripped the older by his wrist, dragging him in the living room.
"Woah woah woah, what's the hurry kitten?"
Felix didn't answer and pushed the male on the couch before hovering over him, and hugging him tightly, laying his head on his chest.
Hyunjin felt his cheeks heat up from his actions and tried to hide the smile on his face, softly petting the younger to calm him down.
The younger did seemed to calm down on his actions until he lifted his head to find his sister interrupting them,
"I got both of you, your favorites~"
She said as she brought a plate full of cookies and setting them down on the table.
Hyunjin hummed on the smell of fresh bales of treats and tried budging away from the younger,
"Lixie..can you get off me for a minute?"
Felix huffed his breath and climbed off the male, seating down next to him.
The older took two of the treats and handed Felix one.

He immediately took a bite of his own, his eyes widening on the taste of it,
"This tastes amazing noona! Your a really good baker!" He beamed making the female chuckle softly.
"I'm glad you liked it, it's the least I could give after everything you've done for us."
Hyunjin shrugged on her words, "please, it's my pleasure to help you"
The two began rambling on, giving each other compliments while Felix sat silent, fiddling with the treat in his hand.
Suddenly, all the excitement and love for his favorite treat made him loose his appetite. Instead, he stared at it with all sorts of thoughts rummaging in his mind.
He looked up to the two who were having a full conversation and noticed Hyunjin saying something funny which made his sister laugh. His heart suddenly got hit with a burning sensation once again which almost made him tear up.
"I want him to make me happy.." he thought before looking back down.

"What if he doesn't want to make me happy? What if I'm the only one that feels this way? But he's my best friend and deserves to see others except me..why does it hurt me though? Am I doing something wrong? Does he even love me..?"

He shot his head up towards the two who were looking at him with concern.
"W-why are you crying?"
His eyes widened as he swiftly lifted his hand to feel the tears streaming down his face making his breathing unsteady.
"Fuck..why am I crying..?"

He quickly shot up from his seat and sprinted out the door.
Hyunjin eyed the female confusedly and noticed her glancing at him with the same expression.
"I'll go after him." He said before running behind the younger.
When he stepped out he found no trace of the male making him more worried, luckily he knew exactly where the younger would be.
He sprinted towards the direction without thinking twice and stopped on seeing him sobbing in front of the water fountain.
The worry of his grew more as he silently approached the male from behind.
Felix shot his head back up and saw the older looking down to him through his teary eyes making him stumble back,
"Please go.."
"W-why..? Lix I-"
he choked out a sob and huddled closer to his knees, continuing to sob continuously until the older slowly wrapped his arms around him.
Felix pulled him closer and continued sobbing into his chest heavily until he came to a stop after he ran out of tears.

"What happened Lixie? You were fine a few seconds ago.."
"I-I'm sorry but I can't tell.."
Hyunjin nodded understandingly even if he was desperate to know on the inside. He didn't want the younger to feel forced so he wiped away the younger's tears, pecking his forehead in the process.
At that moment, Felix felt something off. The kiss seemed to have sparked an unknown light inside him making him sneeze.
Hyunjin chuckled at how cute the younger looked while scrunching his nose and cupped his cheeks, making them lock eye contact.
"Yes kitty?"
"C-can you do that again?"
"Do what?"
Felix turned his face to the side and pointed out to his cheek, making the older flustered more but a warm smile crease up on his lips as well.

He leaned down an inch away from his cheek, ready to peck him until the younger turned his neck, making their lips attach instead.

Both of them froze on the spot, not knowing how to react.
"Wait..they feel so soft.." Felix thought before slowly starting to move his lips to explore the older more.
Hyunjin was shocked on the younger's movements but didn't budge, instead started moving his lips with him. There was no way he could miss this opportunity.
They slowly started loosing themselves for the 'accidental' kiss and closed their eyes, tilting their heads in every direction until they finally pulled out to catch their breath.
They inched away as slow as possible, their eyes slowly starting to flutter open to meet each other's.

Realization slowly started to take over the younger making him widen his eyes and swiftly stand up straight.
Hyunjin followed with a look of worry in case the younger didn't like it.
"I-I'm sorry..I shouldn't have done that.." felix admitted before running away from the older.
Hyunjin didn't even get a chance to respond and watched the male face out of his view.
He didn't know what to do, what to feel and instead just stood there speechless.

"Did we really just kiss..?"


A/u note: 
      Alright now, which one of you is gonna be my first kiss? :>

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