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Chapter 21


"Felix please come out..you've been in there for weeks now.."

The female got no reply and started loosing hope.
A knock on the door caught her attention. She opened it find Hyunjin holding up all sorts of gifts in his arms.
She couldn't help but smile at the male.
"You know you don't have to buy so much.."
"I know. I want to though."
She rolled her eyes and let the male in.

"He still won't come out?"
She nodded her head towards the male, her face falling into a more depressed one.
Hyunjin pat her back in comfort before heading in front of Felix's bedroom.
"Lixie..it's me..please open the door kitten, I promise we won't hurt you..we just want to help."
"I don't want help."
Felix said from the other side of the room making Hyunjin sloop his shoulders down.
"Please lixie..it's been weeks since we've seen you."
He didn't get any respond and finally gave in.
He started to place all the gifts on the counter making Felix's sister confused,
"What are you doing?"
"Breaking the door down."
"Oh okay. WAIT WHAT-"
"It's the only way."

With that Hyunjin inhaled sharply and stood a few steps back from the door,
Running into with a loud thud until it broke open.
Luckily it fell down in one piece and didn't land on Felix.
He pushed the door out of the way and entered the dusty room.
His eyes were searching for Felix until he saw the male huddled into the corner of his bed, weeping into his knees.
It completely crushed on him on the inside as he hurried towards him.
"Lixie..it's okay..don't worry I'm not going to hurt you.."
"I-I know you w-wont hurt me.." Felix said in between sniffles.
"Then why won't you let us in..?" Hyunjin pulled him into a tight hug, his shirt becoming all wet from the tears of the younger.
"I-I..don't know..I d-didn't mean to push you away..I was s-scared.."
Hyunjin nodded understandably and pulled him tighter against his chest, not wanting to burden him with any more questions.

His sister walked in and saw the two males clinging onto each other as if they were each other's only hope.
She smiled and went towards them. "Lixie..you want to come out now?"
Felix pulled out and nodded.
Hyunjin was ready to walk out until he felt the younger tugging on his sleeve.
"C-can you carry me?"
Hyunjin smiled at the males request, wrapping his arms around his delicate waist and carrying him towards the living room.

Felix lightly gasped on seeing all sorts of gifts on the counter and climbed off the older.
"What's this?"
He pulled out a small familiar box. He furrowed his eyebrows trying to recall why it seemed so similar until he dropped it with his eyes widened.
Hyunjin went over and picked up the box, opening it to find Felix's and Minho's couple bracelets they had wore to match each other.
His face dropped understandingly and simply placed the box away.
"What's wrong?" Felix's sister asked confused on why their aura had suddenly changed.
Felix completely ignored her words, his eyes started to build up new tears from the tension, "d-did he give them back?" His voice cracked heavily from the lump in his throat.
Hyunjin hissed his breath sharply before replying to him, "Jeongin did."
A few tears rolled down the younger's cheeks as the words came out.
Hyunjin didn't want him to feel bad, especially since he was feeling the same for weeks now. He was tired of seeing the younger feel so hurt over someone who didn't deserve him.
Instead he quickly reached out to the box, sliding the bracelet around Felix's wrist and another one on his own.
"You don't need him now okay?"
Felix was shocked on the older's kind actions and eyed the bracelet on his wrist, slowly starting to leave out sobs.
He reached his arms out to the older and started weeping all over again.

Hyunjin hugged back and lifted the male up, placing him on the counter, looking into his eyes and cupping his cheeks.
"Lixie, you have to stop feeling bad over someone that clearly doesn't deserve you. Sure, you might've loved him more than he loved you but at one point your going to have to move on. So many other people are out there who are willing to take care and love you endlessly so please don't be stuck on someone that doesn't. If he won't love you enough, I will and I promise to never stop no matter what happens."
He reached out to Felix's hands, intertwining them with his own before continuing,
"I love you Lee Felix."

Felix's sister was a bit taken aback from Hyunjin's sudden confession. She looked over to Felix who had the same shocked expression as her,

"I.." Felix stuttered out breathlessly and let out a soft smile towards the older, "..love you too.."

Hyunjin smiled with him, his cheeks turning a light pink shade until Felix continued again.

"Your the best friend I could ever ask for Jinnie hyung.." he hugged the male again, "thank you so much best friend.."

"No felix you idiot!" Felix's sister thought, knowing how heart broken Hyunjin would've been feeling right now.

The smile on Hyunjin's face immediately dropped but he still somehow managed to hug the male back.
Felix pulled out, wiping away his tears and jumping off the counter to engulf his sister into a hug.
She hesitantly hugged back and noticed Hyunjin looking down, disappointed.
"Okay..Lix I think it's time for you to eat dinner.?" She tried changing the topic quickly.
Felix nodded and went towards the counter, patiently waiting for one of them to start cooking for him.


Hyunjin fed the younger the last scoop of his dinner making Felix sigh in satisfaction.
"Jinnie hyung can we visit the water fountain please~?"
"This late?" Hyunjin replied knowing how dark it was outside.
"Please hyung~ it's been so long since I've been there." Felix started to make puppy eyes at the male
"But we have school tomorrow-"
Hyunjin stopped halfway through his sentence when he felt Felix lean in and peck his cheek.
He immediately started heating up and gulped nervously, trying to hide the blush on his face.
"G-get your coat on.." he said still not able to process what had just happened.
Felix cheered to himself and ran near the doorway, throwing his coat on.
Hyunjin followed soon after.
Felix's sister spotted both the males leaving out the door and smirked,
"Whipped." She whispered towards Hyunjin before sending him a wink and walking off.
He blushed more on the words, quickly zipping up his coat.
Felix noticed her sending the wink and whispering something inaudible and slowly started aggression building up in him.
"Are they flirting again?"
He thought before pursing his lips annoyedly.

He slammed the door shut before Hyunjin could join him making the older left confused.
He also left out the door, running behind Felix who was taking aggressive steps and heading towards the water fountain, sitting on its benches and completely ignoring the older.
Hyunjin was confused on why he was grumpy all of a sudden and tried talking to him,
"Lixie you alright?"
He didn't get any respond.
"Are you really going to ignore me without telling me why again."
Felix nodded.
"Fine then." Hyunjin said sassily and looking across the water fountain. Felix grew a bit annoyed and scooted closer to the older,
"I'm ignoring you!"
This time Hyunjin didn't respond.
"I said I'm ignoring you!"
No response.
"Stop ignoring me ignoring you!"
Felix sulked making the older burst out in laughter. He ruffled the males hair continuing to laugh just by looking at the younger's face.
Felix just watched the older laugh out historically until he gulped on seeing his eye smile.
"It looks so beautiful.." he thought a small smile appearing on his own face.

"What are you doing to me?"


A/u note :
      It's happening (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

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