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Chapter 9


Hyunjin looked back to the female holding on to him nervously. She gulped and walked him inside the room with Felix watching the two curiously wondering why they looked so serious.
"Look..I'm not sure if Felix told you this before or not but we don't have parents..so that leaves us on our own to take care of ourselves and pay our bills..
But eventually we earned enough to live a normal healthy life until.." she felt tears crawl down her cheeks and wiped them away.
Hyunjin looked over to Felix tiredly laying down with the same depressed expression.
"Until..these people started demanding us money which our parents previously had owned..they told us they can't find our parents so they started bugging us and demanding money.."
Hyunjin felt like throwing up from how traumatic their life sounded. He felt aggression flow through his veins on listing how cruel their parents sounded.
"We're trying to pay them back..but it's so much money that sometimes we have to go days without any food just to make sure we have enough to pay them back.."
She glanced back at Hyunjin through her teary helpless looking eyes.
"The person who beat him up was one of them..they always beat us up as a warning to pay them back.."
She stood up and pulled her sleeve up to reveal all the bruise marks on his arms. Hyunjin saw how badly and bruised they looked. Anger filling him up to know that if want just Felix who was suffering.

They all went silent as their own thoughts rummaged in their heads. Hyunjin shot up from his seat and slipped his phone out.
"Do you know anything about them and how they want the money?"
His sister glanced at Felix before replying to the male,
"Uh-uhm..well..they have this website.."

'Really? Their parents borrowed money from a sketchy website?'

He ignored the passive aggression as the female showed him the website page. She noticed him pressing down on buttons and doing stuff she didn't understand. Hyunjin quickly left the website and cleared it from her history.

"If they ever lay a finger on you or Felix, please contact me." That was the last thing Hyunjin said before storming out the front door.

Felix and his sister were left dumbfounded as they eyed each other, giving weird looks. She shrugged it off and went towards him and pet his head.
"Get well soon.."
"I will..hopefully.."

She glanced at the vase holding up a red rose and a bunch of white roses scattered on his desk messily.
"Aren't those the flowers Hyunjin gave you?"
"Why are they not in the vase with the other rose?"
"I don't want them to spoil the rose in the vase and make it look like an outcast.." Felix smiled when he remembered it was the rose Minho gave him.
She sighed and gathered all the white roses into a bouquet once again.
"Let's keep them in the living room then, yeah?"
Felix hummed in response before tiredly sitting up straight on his bed.
He reached over to his phone and saw messages from an unknown number,

Unknown number

>> hey this is Minho.
Hyunjin gave me your number,
I'm inviting you to my birthday party at my house,
Its in two days so I was wondering if you could come or not.

Felix shivered on reading the messages from Minho. He had never thought he'd be getting Lee Minho's number. If either of his friends found out, they would absolutely freak out. And the fact that he'd invited him over for his birthday made him shake while answering the male.

I'd love to come..
Can I bring some of my friends as well?

>> sure,
I don't really care as long as your there ;)

Felix lightly blushed on the messages and was typing down a reply.
Hyunjin scurried in the room which seemed to have startle him and throw his phone across the room.

"I literally just walked inside your room"
"STILL! Now get me my phone from there." Felix made grabby hands towards where his phone had landed. Hyunjin rolled his eyes but deep inside he found it the most adorable thing to ever experience. He went over and handed the male his phone back before settling down next to him.
"Here, I got you some food. Your sister told me you didn't have anything since the morning so.."
"Mm..Jinnie hyung.."
"Yes lixie.?"
"C-can you feed me..?"


Felix stuttered nervously as he glanced at Hyunjin who seemed to be redder than usual. He wondered if he said anything wrong and looked down in embarrassment. Until he felt a spoon of soup was motioned in front of his mouth. He looked over to Hyunjin giving him a warm smile. The look the older was giving him made him blush with him before taking sipping down the soup.
Hyunjin looked at the younger with pure admiration and found it adorable how he took each bite in small font. He felt himself smile unintentionally until realization hit him.

"Stop catching feelings Hyunjin..he doesn't like you back..he likes someone else.."

The thought clearly echoed through his head but he couldn't help but find the younger the most lovable being on the earth that nobody could ever make him feel.

"Why are you doing this to me..?"

The younger seemed happy while typing down a response and didn't even notice the look the older was giving him.

After a while of finishing his meal he set his phone aside and sat up straight feeling way better than before.
Felix smiled widely at Hyunjin who seemed to be cleaning off the trash under his bed. He noticed the younger grinning at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Why not?"
"Because I won't be able to resist."
"Resist? Resist what?"
Hyunjin leaped onto the younger, cupping the back of his head with his other hand around the younger's waist, pulling their faces closer feeling each other's breath mix with their own. Felix grew red as a tomato as Hyunjin just kept in leaning closer. He stopped an inch away once again and pulled out sneakily.
"Hyunjin! What was that!?"
Hyunjin didn't respond and continued setting the trash away until he felt Felix leap on his back. The older quickly gripped on his thighs making sure he wouldn't fall. Felix's laughter echoed in the room making Hyunjin laugh with him from how contagious it was.
"Jinnie hyung can we go to the park again pleaaase~"
"You didn't even heal fully yet."
"Please~ I don't wanna sit at home and do nothing all day!" Felix pouted making his eyes appear bigger than usual. Hyunjin eventually gave up and started heading out with Felix clinging on to his back like a koala.

As they were laughing on their way to the park,
They never noticed a familiar male giving glares towards them.

Hyunjin had the younger get off him once they reached the water fountain as the younger settled down on the benches next to him. It was already dark outside considering that they had left on sunset. They didn't mind though, they had each other to be taken care of. Something about Hyunjin made Felix feel protected.
He was very thankful and laid his head onto Hyunjin's shoulder comfortably this time.
The older was a bit hesitant at first but somehow managed to intertwine his hand with Felix's. It grew a blush on his face when he realized the younger wasn't objecting his actions and even noticed him blushing as well.

"I love you.."


A/u note:
     I feel like if I make Minlix the ship y'all would cancel me ;-;

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