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Chapter 14


Shoe squeaks and chattering of students filled the echoey gymnasium as a particular male was seated on the usual bench, doodling with his singular pencil.
Felix signed the corner of his page with his signature before looking up to Minho jogging towards him.
"Hey baby, hand me the towel."
Felix smiled at his boyfriend before handing him the required towel to wipe off his sweaty body.
Minho left a peck on his cheek leaving the male flustered and blush in embarrassment from all the looks attached to them.
Just as Minho was about to join his teammates in the changing rooms, Felix gripped on his wrist before he could.
"Do you know where Jinnie hyung is? He didn't come to practice today either.."
Minho smiled at his boyfriend before ruffling his hair, "I'm sure he needs a break from yesterday. He doesn't usually handle drinks all that well."
Felix was hesitant by his answer but before he could question, Minho jogged away making him ponder about where Hyunjin was.

The last time he met him was in the hallways when Hyunjin seemed like he was trying to avoid someone.
Felix sneaked behind and sure did scare the shit out of him from the girly, high pitched scream he let out.
Before they could talk, Hyunjin ran away with pure fear in his eyes. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
"Maybe he's ignoring me..? Why would he even do that.."

His boyfriend returned fully changed walking with a few other of his friends next to him, Chan and Changbin.
Felix was introduced to his friends and assumed they were quite close except for Hyunjin who seemed like he was avoiding him at all costs.
"Let's go baby."
Felix nodded as Minho wrapped his arm around his waists and all four of them began walking out the gymnasium with girls still trying to get Minho's attention.
Chan and Changbin left their own ways once they walked out of their school as for the couple had something else in plan.
"Where are we going Minho?"
"My place."
Felix nodded once again in response as they walked towards Minho's mansion in complete silence.

During their relationship of one week, it was quite usual for Felix to visit Minho's place after school, in fact he'd even skip his classes with Minho just for them to have a heated make-out session at his place.
Surprisingly, they never did the dirty no matter how heated they were because Felix claimed he wasn't ready and Minho did feel a little bummed on that.

After a silent walk to his place, Minho unlocked his large gates and entered while throwing his bags off his shoulders and rushing to the living room.
Felix followed behind him as both of them settled down on the large couch, throwing a blanket over their legs and having the tv run on its own.

Without wasting a second, Minho smashed his lips with the younger's pulling him onto his lap.
Felix wrapped his arms around the males neck, tangling his fingers into his hair as they kissed greedily while leaving out moans in between.
Minho pinched the younger's waist making him let out a gasp.
Minho slipped his tongue inside his mouth taking licks of his wet carven, not leaving a single place of the younger's mouth untouched. He nibbled on the younger's bottom lip before finally pulling out and panting for air.
His eyes immediately landed on the younger's collarbones visible because of it sliding down during their make out.
It turned him on more as his lips were connected to his neck in just a second. Felix did feel a little dirty but Minho claimed it was just something he was turned on by.
He let out a quiet whimper when he felt Minho leaving a dark hickey on his neck. It made him throw his head back in satisfaction as Minho trailed down hickey all over the previous ones he had left the day before.
It didn't take long for Minho to get on top of the younger and rip his shirt apart.
Felix had his eyes shut during the process until he felt his belt getting undone. He immediately shot them open and gripped on Minho's hands, preventing him to go further.
Minho furrowed his eyebrows, "Do you not love me baby?"
"I do!"
Felix quickly sat up and left a quick peck on the males lips.
"I'm just not ready.."
"You always say that..I'm starting to think it's just because you don't want to do it with me.."
"Minho..it's not you..it's me..please understand.."
Minho hummed and brushed the topic off before sitting up straight next to the male and cuddling closer to him. Felix smiled to himself and wrapped himself around his arm.
"I wonder where Hyunjinnie Hyung is.."


"I wonder where Lixie is.."
Hyunjin thumped his back, while leaning against the bench and staring up the clear blue skies, picturing Felix.
"Stop thinking about him! He doesn't like you.."
he gripped on his hair and silently screamed to himself trying to take a decision.
He was ignoring Felix all week and it only grew worse when the school confirmed that he was dating Minho.
The amount of times he'd been trying to avoid the male made him fall for him harder and miss his presence even more.
"What do I do..?"
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his name being called out. He sat up straight and glanced behind him to find a familiar figure running towards him.
Felix's sister.
"Hyunjin! There you are!" She shouted, finally running up to the male.
"Something wrong noona?"
Even if the male was trying to avoid Felix he still couldn't get himself to ignore his sister none other than because she didn't know the situation.
"We need to talk."

Hyunjin went silent on hearing the name, contemplating whether he should agree or not. The female caught up to her breath and took a seat next to the male, also staring across the water fountain.
"You can't ignore him forever.."
Hyunjin stuttered on hearing her, knowing well enough that he never uttered a word to her about anything.
"Don't need to act dumb in front of me..Felix might be blind but not me.."
Hyunjin sighed heavily, "was I that obvious..?"
"From the way you look at him like he's your whole world..probably."
"So you know."
"Yup. That's the reason why I trusted you on taking care of him."
Guilt immediately came over Hyunjin when he remembered that he was the one that should've been taking care and being supportive of Felix but because of his feelings he just managed to ignore him the entire time.
"I-I..think I failed in my part.."
"I know. I can tell by the way he acts. He's been skipping most of his classes, staying out late and sometimes doesn't even return home till the next day."
Hyunjin felt his heart ache heavily. His sister might've felt lonely staying at home all day and waiting for him to return when all he does is spend his time with Minho. Yes, Hyunjin even followed him skipping and spotted him headed with Minho at times. It sucked really knowing that he wasn't the only one being affected.
"I-I'm sorry..it's my fault you trusted me.."
"It's not. And I still do trust you."
"How are you so sure?"
She glanced back at the male with a pleasing smile, "I know he's going to come back..maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but he will. And I trust you to bring him back.."
"Why me..?"
"Because..I know he will listen to only you. But I don't think that's possible with you ignoring him all week. And you can trust me too when I say this won't only be benefiting me or him."
"Who else..?"
She let out a small chuckle at the clueless male and patted him on the back,



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