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Chapter 8


Felix skipped along his way towards his home with a wide smile and singing along to the tune of 'lalala'.
He knocked on his front door and rang the bell twice when his sister answered it. She eyed the male weirdly as he smiled at her and let himself in. Felix twirled around gracefully and entered his bedroom the most gracefully to get changed.
The rose he held in hand, he sniffed again for the hundredth time that day.

The vase of white roses Hyunjin had given him sat in their vase. He didn't hesitate and yanked all of them out to replace them with the rose instead. The other flowers were thrown on his bed before as he quickly changed into his casual clothing.

"Someone's in a good mood today." Felix's sister said as she was busy packing up a small bag.
"That someone shall be me~!" Felix sang as he twirled around happily with the journal in his hands.
"Care to tell me what happened?" She questioned while crossing her arms and leaning against the counter.
"Well.." Felix felt a blush paint across his face on remembering what had happened. "Remember Minho? Well he gave me a rose, bought me breakfast AND we spent time on the rooftop..it was so romantic~" Felix continued while dramatically placing his hand on his forehead and imitating to faint.
His sister rolled her eyes sarcastically at him, "dramatic much?"
"Hey! Hyunjinnie hyung said the same to me!"
"He was right. Speaking of which, where is he? He didn't drop you off?"
"No..I heard he left early because the nurse said he was sick..he didn't even show up to basketball practice.."
"Oh, I hope he's doing well. Here, I got some homemade cookies you can give him as a thank you."
"Great idea noona! I'll be off now!"
"Mhm, take care on your way there."

Felix sprinted out the door with his bag of cookies and switched on his phone to find the males contacts,

Jinnie hyung~

Hello Jinnie hyung!<<
I hope your doing well!
Minho hyung told me you left early..
I was also wondering if you could send me your address..?

He stood there for a while for the older to answer but he never got a response, he eventually started growing tired of waiting and decided to head over to the water fountain hoping the older would at least be there.

Felix switched off his phone and headed towards the well known park once again. Of course he wondered about Hyunjin and his health since he knew how important basketball practices were. Whatever it was, he could ask it to the male once he reached there.

To his luck, he felt a few drops of water hit the top of his head slightly soaking his hair. 'Great..now it's raining..' he thought as he slightly shivered from the cold water drizzling down on him. He held onto his sweater tighter but the material barely kept him warm making him curse at himself for wearing such light clothing.

Dark clouds formed closely, closing out the light coming from the sun and shading the streets all dark. For some reason, the male felt terrified even if he had been through the same route in the darkest of his times. This time he felt like he was being watched but everytime he'd turn back to check, nobody would be in sight.
He thought it was just his consciousness and continued walking with his fists closed to his chest.
He felt a wave of relief come through his body when he spotted Hyunjin sitting on one of the benches with his back facing towards him.

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