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Chapter 29


"Is he gone yet?"

Heejin nodded as Hyunjin let out a sigh in relief, leaning back on the bench in exhaustion.
"Did you see how hurt he looked!?" She whispered screamed making Hyunjin nod in disappointment.
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this.."
"Why not? It's so clear he's jealous."
"Yeah but..I don't want him to feel hurt.."
she huffed and sat next to the male, "but he did the same thing to you right?"
"That doesn't mean I'm okay with hurting him back..I never want to put someone through the things I've been through.."
"Your too kind Hyunjin."
He didn't respond and looked down to his hands, internally frowning in case he hurt the younger too much.
"I'm pretty sure he'll tell you if he's hurting too much. And if he doesn't then just explain him your feelings instead of keeping them locked inside you." She smiled.
Hyunjin gave her a smile back, finding the advice somewhat helpful.
He quickly stood up, ready to leave for his class.
"I guess I'll be going now."
"Alrighty then, make sure to meet me at the cafeteria so we can make your boyfriend jealous again~"
He blushed on her words as she walked away with a smirk.

After the "blind date" Minho intended to put Hyunjin through, the male found her quite nice but as a friend only. She also felt the same and saw him as a brother more than someone she would actually date.
They grew close in less than a day and Hyunjin told her basically everything. His feelings for Felix, him being Minho and why the date was fixed in the first place. She listened attentively and found the story Kdrama worth she said.
She also came up with a plan to know Felix's feelings. It was to make him jealous. Hyunjin obviously didn't agree to it at first but when she further explained he became more interested and somehow came to an agreement.
They would pretend to be flirty in front of Felix to catch his reaction. It seemed doubtful but Hyunjin agreed, if he ever got enough he would confess to Felix whether or not he liked him back or not.

He arrived at his class and quickly settled down on his desk. As expected nobody sat next to him so he quickly went through his notes.
He leaned his head down on the desk before he felt a presence next to him. He lifted his head to find Jeongin seated next to him.
"Hey." He said giving the male a smile.
Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows and watched him settled down. "Uhm..what exactly are you doing here?"
"I'm attending my class of course."
"Don't you have to fuck Minho or something?"
Jeongin chuckled lightly, "we broke up."
"With which one of your boyfriends? Might've already fucked the entire school already."
"Don't be silly my body count isn't that high."
"I'm not the type of person to be silly. I'm serious."
"Well, your wrong hwang."
"Surprise, surprise."
"I don't get why your so rude to me.."
"What's there to not get? You were the one cheating on my bestfriend's boyfriend."
"That's right. Just your best friend so why are you so angry?"
"You have to be kidding me-"
"He's just your bestfriend hwang. Always will be. If I ever do something wrong to your girlfriend, then come and talk to me like that."
"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend-"
Jeongin pulled out his phone and shoved a picture of Hyunjin and Heejin holding hands at the restaurant they were at earlier.
Felix wouldn't be happy to see these pictures on the internet..
"As I said before, Felix is probably just another side kick of yours so I don't get why your so pissed unless-"
"Shut up already."

Luckily the teacher started talking about the subject after him. He tried to focus on what they were teaching but clearly couldn't from the thoughts clouding his head.
"Am I being go harsh? But we don't have anything going on between us..why does it feel like I'm cheating then.."


Felix bit his lips, hurrying to class until he bumped into someone sending him straight to the floor with the male right on top of him.
He peaked through his eyelashes to find his face just inches away from Minho's.
Minho immediately recognized the voice and looked up to him with a smirk on his face. He refused to move and just stared down at the male,
"It's been a while since I've had you this close~"
"G-get off me Minho."
Minho rolled his eyes and got off the male, helping him up as well.
"Gosh, why do I keep bumping into you.." Felix said while rubbing the back of his head.
"Fate I guess..?"
The younger glared at him before leaving back to his class until he felt Minho hold onto his sleeve.
He stumbled back and faced the male, "what now?"
"I-m sorry.."
"Okay." Was all he replied with until he left the male again, feeling stopped by him once again.
"L-lixie..please..I said I was sorry."
"What am I even supposed to do with that information hyung?"
"I-I don't know.."
he awkwardly hissed his breath and pulled out a rose from behind him, motioning it towards Felix to take it.
Felix was hesitant and only eyed the flower.
"T-take it.."
"No thanks."
"P-please? It's just like old times when we dated remember? Your favorite red roses..I even picked out all the thorns.."
Felix now felt guilty and took the flower out of sympathy, not thinking too much of it.
"Thanks I guess."
Minho felt a smile crease up his lips when the male examined the flower.
"Uh-uhm..does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"I'll think about it."
Felix now left to his class, leaving Minho a smiling idiot.

"Don't fuck it up this time Minho.." he told himself while blushing on the thought of having Felix back.

"Hey Ji, here have this." Felix handed Jisung the rose before sitting down next to him.
"That's weird..where'd you get this rose from?" Jisung asked, running his fingers through the soft petals of the rose.
"Uhm..I found it near your locker.." Felix lied. He knew Jisung wouldn't be happy if he told Minho had given it to him.
"Ooo~ a secret admirer~?"
"M-maybe?" Felix shrugged and quickly looked away.
"If he knew Minho had given it to me he'd burn in right now.."
he brushed away the thought and saw Jisung intensely sniffing the rose.
"What the fuck is wrong with my friends.."


A/u note :
     How we feelin about Felix here?

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