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< smut warning ⚠️ >

Hyunjin threw a blanket over himself trying to fall asleep after his exhausting day.
Right now sleep was the only thing that could relieve him from everything that was building up inside him..unless..

He shook away the thought and cuddled closer to the blanket on top of him.
He eventually fell asleep, his tiredness finally coming to a rest.

A small whisper called out to him making him groan and flutter his eyes open to find Felix looking down to him.
The male had his plushy in his hands and an oversized sweater thrown over his body.

"Jinnie hyung..are you awake..?"
Hyunjin nodded at the male, "what's wrong kitten?"
"C-can I sleep with you for the n-night?"
Felix was still hesitant on his words, already a blushing mess from the request. Thank god they were in a dark room.
Hyunjin gulped nervously, "s-sure kitten." He replied a bit skeptical on the inside.
He shifted on the bed, giving more to Felix who slipped beside him.
Their legs immediately intertwined with each other's, Felix wrapping his arms over Hyunjin, completely throwing away the plushy he was holding.
Hyunjin hugged him back, holding him on the waist until he felt something..

Nothing to be more accurate..

Felix hadn't wore anything under his oversized sweater making Hyunjin the one to blush this time.
"lixie..your not wearing anything under your shirt?"
Felix nodded against the males chest, "I didn't feel like it..you don't mind right?"
Hyunjin hummed, trying his best to look calm on the outside when he clearly wasn't.
He didn't want his boyfriend to feel uncomfortable so his hands were fixed on his waist.
He tired brushing it off by engulfing himself more into the younger, trying to fall asleep to his sweet vanilla scent and heartbeat.
Just like that, he was out again.

It was very different for Felix.

The younger woke up halfway through his sleep, all sweaty and a shivering mess.
The shivering seemed to wake up Hyunjin alertly.
"Lixie..are you alright?"
Felix didn't respond and only whimpered. He gave up and gripped on the older's shoulder, pushing his erection against the older's thigh while moving to and fro.
Pants immediately left his mouth as he started feeling his inbuilt pressure getting released.
Hyunjin bit on his lip, trying his best to contain himself until he gripped on Felix's waist, stopping him from moving.
Felix looked up to the older with pleading eyes,
"H-hyung..it hurts.."
"What hurts..?" Hyunjin questioned while cupping his flushed cheeks.
Felix yanked the covers over his body and pointed out to his upright erection below his sweater.

"...oh.." was the only thing Hyunjin replied with until Felix left out a whimper and continued grinding on the older's thigh.
Hyunjin left pants of his own this time until his hands stopped the younger on his waist once again.
"You want help kitten?"
Felix nodded eagerly, begging for the pain to go away.
Hyunjin left out a sigh, "are you sure you want to kitten? I don't want you to regret it later."
Felix was almost on the verge of tears and smashed his lips on the older's. Hyunjin kissed back, hovering on the younger and tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
Felix easily gave him access, the pain between his legs growing unbearable. He bucked his hips making Hyunjin moan into the kiss.
"P-patience kitten.." he panted out making Felix nod.

He reached out to the side table, opening the drawer to pull out a small bottle of lube.
The older squirted out some lube on his fingers and hovered over the younger again.
"This might hurt a little-"
"Master~ p-please hurry up~ I-I ah..c-cant.." Felix practically moaned out giving Hyunjin a boner on the spot.
He didn't waste a second and slipped a finger into the younger's entrance earning a loud whine from Felix.
"Th-this feels weird.."
"I know kitten, you'll get used to it..just trust me."
Felix gripped on the hem of his pillow until Hyunjin started moving his finger in and out. He was a whining mess and squeezed his eyes shut on the feeling.
Pleasure slowly started to fill up making him beg for more.
Hyunjin did just that and added another finger, going in a scissoring motion.

After a while of having the younger fully stretched enough, Hyunjin slipped his fingers out earning a pouty Felix.
His whines for more were interrupted by a scream of his own when the older entered him.
The feeling of his member was way bigger than his fingers making him hold onto the older for support.
Hyunjin was moaning himself before he started moving. He was surprised on how the younger was still that tight even after all his stretching.
His movements were begging to be more but the younger gripping on his shoulders made it harder so he pinned his wrists above his head.

The younger's whines were only encouraging him but him on the verge of tears made his mind all fuzzy.
He left a small peck on the younger's lips before recklessly thrusting into the younger.
Felix couldn't contain the tears anymore and had them run down his cheeks as his screams matched the thrusts of the older.
"Wrong name kitten~"
Hyunjin groaned on the name and thrusted in deeper.

Felix cried out heavily until he felt a weird gurgle tie in knots in his stomach.
"M-master..I-I..m-my stomach f-feels.ah~ we-weird.." he said in between moans.
"Let it out kitten, your going to cum.."
"Yeah..I am too."
Hyunjin felt his own high nearing but he still hadn't found the younger's prostate.
He threw the younger's legs over his shoulder and thrusted as deep as he could.
Felix let out a shrewd moan on the feeling of the older hit him on his prostate.
Hyunjin smirked in victory and continued thrusting into the spot making both of them moan in unison.

His thrusts slowly started becoming unsteady until they both came on the same time. Felix on the older's shirt and Hyunjin deep inside him.

"T-that was so good hyung.." Felix admitted while still in pants as Hyunjin collapsed next to him.
"It was..but why didn't you call me master earlier kitten~?"
Felix blushed and hid himself in the older's neck making Hyunjin chuckle.
"Why are you so shy now kitty~"
He only earned a smack from the younger making him smile like an idiot.

He hurdled out of the sheets and went to get a wet towel to clean himself and his baby. He returned back and pecked the younger's forehead,
"I love you lix, thank you for trusting me."
Felix smiled, "I love you too...m-master.."


A/u note :
        Ehm yeah-

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