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Chapter 18


"Thank you for taking me out here Minho.."

"Anything for you baby."
Felix sent a warm smile to his boyfriend which Minho returned.
Minho intertwined their hands as they approached the cafe, Minho being the one to pull the door for Felix.
Felix slightly parted his lips, dazed on how decorated the cafe was. It had the scent of bubblegum and ice cream all around with all its walls coated pink and mint green.
Small kittens in cages were grooming themselves, making Felix completely melt on the sight.
He jumped excitedly and dragged Minho towards the kittens.
"Minho! Look at this cutie! Isn't he adorable!?"
He rubbed his face all over the cats fur making Minho look at him with heart eyes.
"He looks just like you jinnie hyung!"
He raised the kitten towards his face, giggling at how it licked his pink coated cheeks. Minho only glared at him in response.
"Are you still hung up on that douchebag?"
Felix stopped his giggling at the comment before babying the kitten more in his arms.
"H-he didn't do anything wrong hyung.."
"I don't care. I don't like him and I don't want to hear his name coming out of your mouth either."

The phone in his pocket vibrated making him slip it out and check the person who texted him.
He hissed his breath and glanced towards his boyfriend before looking back down to his phone and typing something.

His phone slipped back into his pocket as he approached his boyfriend,
"I have something important to attend to."
"B-but hyung..we just arrived.."
"I know, but it's an emergency."
Felix bit the inside of his cheek, "s-sure hyung.." Minho smiled at him and quickly hurried out the cafe. "Be back soon-"
Before he could finish his words Minho ran out. "I-..love you.."

A frown grew on the younger's face as he continued brushing his hands through the kittens hair. He heard a purr coming from the cat making him let out a pitiful smile on the kitten peacefully sleeping in his lap.

Jinnie hyung~

*one picture sent* <<

Look at this cute kitten  in my arms Jinnie hyung!<<

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Look at this cute kitten in my arms Jinnie hyung!<<

A smile fell on the males face as the message was seen in just a minute.

>> Awee! Lixie!
That's adorable!
It looks so comfortable in your arms (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

I know right!<<
Also hyung, can you pick me up like..right now?

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