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Chapter 5


"Thank you so much for today.."
Felix's sister said while bowing towards Hyunjin. Hyunjin immediately freaked out and told her to stop.
"Nonono, it was my pleasure! Thank YOU for joining me."
Felix's sister warmly smiled at the male as she shook his hand in a thanking manner. "You too kind." She smiled.
Hyunjin smiled back while waving her off back to her home. Felix watched the two with a proud smile. It was the first time someone had treated him and his sister with so much kindness. He was truly thankful towards the male.
Hyunjin turned towards Felix once his sister had safely returned back to her house. He smiled back at the male and gripped on his wrist while dragging him away. Felix almost stumbled on his way but somehow managed to run behind him.

They stopped near the familiar park. Hyunjin let go of the younger's wrist as they started walking towards the water fountain side by side. Hyunjin had his hands inside the pockets of his jeans while Felix's were buried in his sweater.
The older felt the material Felix wore still wasn't enough to keep him warm enough so he quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around the younger.
Felix whined at him. "Hyung~ don't give it to me! You need to stay warm too, you know!"
Hyunjin chuckled at himself while ruffling his hair, "I'm fine, lixie. Don't worry about me."
"Am I not supposed to call you that..?"
"You can but, nobody calls me that except for my sister.."
"Not even your parents?"
Felix went silent on hearing the words of the older. Hyunjin didn't notice at first and continued questioning further while he sat down next to the younger on the benches in front of the water fountain.
"Speaking of your parents, I wonder if I can meet them. I bet their as sweet as your sister- Felix..?"
When the older looked to his side he found Felix sitting absolutely dead silent with his gaze down low. His expression was a depressed one making him a bit concerned,

"Lixie..? What's wrong..?"
The younger felt tears fill up in the corner of his eyes as he silently stared down the water in the fountain. A few tears finally escaped while running down his cheeks on the remembrance of his past.
"I don't have parents."

Hyunjin was shocked on hearing the younger. He hesitantly hugged the male, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable. Felix just let him while melting into his embrace as the tears started overflowing from his eyes. The younger felt extreme warmth and protection just by the simple hug. It made him feel safe even if it was just temporary.

They remained in the position for a while until Hyunjin pulled out when the sniffling had come to a stop,
He settled down next to the male as they watched the water running down the fountain.
"I'm sorry..I had no idea-"
"It's fine. It wasn't your fault, thanks anyways."
Felix started dusting himself off, wiping off the wetness on his cheeks. Hyunjin handed him a tissue from his side making him glance a smile at him once again,
"Thanks again."
"No problem."
After fully dusting himself off he scooted closer to Hyunjin and laid his head on his shoulder. Hyunjin was a bit surprised on his actions and felt his heart beating out of his chest as butterflies urged inside his stomach. He tried remaining calm on the outside and threw his hand over the males shoulder.

Felix felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he pulled it out and unlocked it. His cheeks immediately grew red on realizing that he still had Minho kept as his background.
Hyunjin noticed it and felt a bit hurt but still managed to let out a smirk towards the younger.
Felix opened his camera to at least take a picture in peace but instead he mumbled out a small 'fuck' underneath his breath.
His gallery was filled with loads and loads of Minho pictures making him more flustered.

"Do you like him?" Hyunjin questioned out of the blue. In all actuality he did want to know even if it was quite obvious at the moment.
Felix nodded his head against his shoulder and dug his face into his palms while smiling like an idiot.
Hyunjin felt a sword go right through his heart for no reason at all. Yes, it may had been a small crush but it still hurt. He didn't know whether it was because all of his crushes always liked someone else or if Felix just hurt different. Whatever it was, Felix seemed happy so he decided to not mumble a word about Minho being a player.
"I won't tell." He whispered making Felix sigh in relief,
"Thank you so much jinnie~"
"Jinnie?" Hyunjin felt all the negative thoughts disappear on hearing what the younger had called him,
"How can someone make me feel so much all at once..?"
"Yeah jinnie! You call me lixie..so I call you jinnie hyung!"
Hyunjin smiled widely while pinching the younger's cheeks.
"Oh my god~ your so cuuute~"
Felix whined and slapped his hands away while pouting.
"I'm not."
The male crossed his arms while looking the other direction.

Hyunjin gripped on the younger's waist, making them forcefully meet face to face with their eyes locked in and lips just an inch away.
"Kitten~" Hyunjin whispered under Felix's breath making Felix widen his eyes and fall weak under his touch,
He quickly pushed the male away while burying his hands in his face all red and flustered. Hyunjin just laughed historically next to him while holding on to his stomach.
"Not funny hyung!"
"To me, it is."
"Whatever, see you tomorrow pretty face." Felix said while sassily getting up from the benches.
"Was that supposed to be an insult?"
"Am I supposed to care? I'm leaving, good bye."
Hyunjin smiled widely at the male.
"Good bye kitten~ walk home safely~"
"Hyunjin! Stop calling me that!"
Felix quickly leaped on the male tickling him like crazy and Hyunjin only teased him more and more by calling him the same nickname.

The once silent park was filled with laughter coming from two specific males, unknown to the bond developing between them.


A/u note :
I know, I know. Minlix will be here soon. I'm keeping the chapters short and cute this time so hope you all understand.

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