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Chapter 19


Where is he..?

Felix pursed his lips as his eyes wandered outside the cafe. He got kicked out earlier because they were closing early that day.
Bad luck was really on his side today.
The rain was pouring heavier than usual making him worried if Hyunjin would even make it or not.
He heard thunder as well making him softly whimper to himself.

He felt a tap on his shoulder making him swiftly turn behind hoping it to be the male he was looking for,
"Jinnie hy- oh.."
Minho back hugged him with a wide smile on his face.
"I told you I would be back didn't I?"
Felix forced a smile at the male before Minho pulled them under the umbrella as they started heading out.
The younger was still confused as to why Hyunjin never came.

'Is he okay..?'


"Are you okay!?"

Hyunjin coughed out while rolling on the floor until he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.
They hurried towards him but he still wasn't able to see them clearly because of how blurry his vision got.
"W-who.." before he could finish his words he winced in pain when the person started scooping him in their arms.
"Don't worry, I got you." The voice spoke as he felt his hood covering his head, only hearing faint foot stomps splash into rain puddles.
His mind started flowing with emotions until his vision was fully pitch black.


Hyunjin felt his eyes flutter open on the sudden brightness.
His head was still heavy but he somehow managed to lean up until his vision finally got clearer.
"W-where am I..?" He croaked out, trying to sit up straight but failed almost immediately because of how much his body ached.
"Oh, your awake.."
He swiftly glanced over to the female giving him a worried expression.
"N-Noona? W-why am I h-here?"
It was Felix's living room where he was placed on the couch with a blanket over him.

She gave him a pitiful smile in response before approaching him and placing the meds and bag of ice on the desk.
"You don't remember?"
Hyunjin squint his eyes in confusion trying to remember what she was meaning to.
"Well..you said you were going to pick up Felix because he got stood up and I followed you to hand you an umbrella because it started raining..but I found you all beat up and bruised near the water fountain.." she explained.
Hyunjin felt like he re-imagined all the previous actions as she spoke, making a single tear roll down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly and struggled to sit up straight.
"T-thank you.." he mouthed.
She gave him a smile before passing him some meds towards him. Hyunjin didn't want to be rude to her kind actions and quietly swallowed the meds.

The loud sound of the door opening and closing shut interrupted them.
"I'm home!" Felix shouted once he entered.
His eyes immediately landed on the two seated in the living room. The sight of a bruised up Hyunjin worried him immediately, along with a slight bit of jealousy on seeing them sit close together.
"Jinnie hyung!? Are you okay!?"
He rushed towards him and cupped the older's cheeks with a pout on his lips, brushing his thumb lightly on the bruise marks.
Hyunjin felt his cheeks heat up when he realized how close the male was.
He could even feel the female smirk to his side as he tried to avoid eye contact at all times.
"I'm fine lixie..I just fell.."
Felix looked at him confusedly as if he said something wrong.
"M-multiple times.." Hyunjin continued in order to remain under suspicion.
Felix huffed his breath, "Jinnie hyung is so clumsy!" He continued before taking the bag of ice and gently rubbing it on the males face.
His sister almost choked out in laughter at how dumb her brother was to fall for something so foolish but instead she contained herself and got up from her place,
"I'll leave you two alone." She said, sending the blushing Hyunjin a wink on her way out.

Hyunjin blushed more.
What he didn't know was that Felix caught his sister sending him a wink because it wasn't so sly.
It shouldn't have bothered him since they had every right to flirt but for some reason it ached his heart. He still tried to remain cheerful towards Hyunjin just to not worry him.

"Who dropped you off?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Minho hyung..turns out he wasn't lying about returning back.." Felix giggled a bit until he noticed Hyunjin with a depressed expression.
"I know you and Minho hyung aren't as much as friends anymore..but I hope it doesn't ruin anything in our friendship.." Felix continued looking up to Hyunjin.
The older gave him a forced smile, "it won't.." he reassured.
Felix immediately found a wide smile form on his own lips by hearing the older and threw his arms over the male, pulling him into a tight hug.
Hyunjin winced in pain, his body still sore. Felix pulled out with a concerned look.
"I'm sorry hyung- W-wait.." Felix stopped between his words, thinking for a bit.
"D-did you hurt your body too..?"
Hyunjin gulped on hearing the male and didn't respond because he didn't know how.
"Hyung..answer me.."
"A little bit.." Hyunjin muttered enough for Felix to hear.

The younger huffed at him before grabbing the hem of the older's shirt and slowly pulling it over.
Hyunjin felt his heart race when the younger threw his shirt over his head.
Felix gulped on seeing the older's well toned abs with a few bruise marks on his skin. His cheeks immediately heated up, turning him as red as a tomato as he quietly picked up the ice pack and started applying it on the older's body.
"You look hot." Felix thought aloud.
Hyunjin looked at him with a small smile on his lips, his cheeks also heating up on the unexpected compliment.
Felix took a while to realize what he had said until he he looked up to the blushing Hyunjin.
"Did I say that out loud!?"
Felix groaned and buried his face into his arms in embarrassment.
Hyunjin let out a dry laugh at the flustered male and ruffled his hair.
"It's okay kitten..I know I'm hot."
Felix only whined more and frowned at the older who was still smirking at him.

They didn't notice the female peaking through her bedroom staring at the two of them with admiration.

"When will they realize that they are in love..?"


A/u note:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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