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Chapter 2


"Here we are!"

Hyunjin turned around and faced the two males walking behind him. Felix smiled warmly at him when he opened the door for him to enter first. Minho followed behind silently as all three of them entered the nurse room.

"How May I help you?"
"I s-scratched my knee.."
"I see." The nurse got up from her desk before punching on a few buttons of her keyboard. Minho leaned against the nurse bed placed as Hyunjin eyed the nurse getting her first aid kit.
"Have a seat."
Felix limped towards the bed and took a seat with the help of Hyunjin. She applied a decent amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton piece and gently applied it on the male's knee. She cleaned it up almost in a second and quickly stuck a bandage on it. Just as he was about to get up, Hyunjin stopped her.
"Can we get a sticker for him?"
"Hyunjin no-"
"We'll get this one, thanks." The male took a pink teddy bear sticker from the nurse and stuck it onto Felix's bandage. Felix was flushed in embarrassment as the nurse barely changed her expression and went back towards her desk.

Minho softly smiled on seeing the male's cheeks flushed in a shade of pink. "Cute." He thought. Hyunjin helped Felix off the bed as all of them started moving out from their school building.

They walked down their street full of cherry blossoms as awkward silence filled all three of them.
"So..uhm, what major are you, Felix?" Hyunjin questioned trying to break their awkward silence.
"I'm an art major..but I'm not that great.."
"Really? I've never really seen many art majors around. Would be cool if you told me what it's like. Any different from the science major?"
"Well yeah..but not completely. The concepts are pretty similar but not that complicated..also art majors have their classes two classrooms down the science majors so you might have heard.."
"Oh yeah! Sounds pretty chill. What do you do when you don't have any works?"
"Well..pretty obvious, I paint or sketch sometimes."
"I'd love to see your artwork some day. Maybe I could visit since the art studio isn't that far."

Hyunjin reached out to the glass door of the ice cream parlor and allowed the two others male's to enter before him. It seemed pretty small but also spacious at the same time. It was painted in pink with a menu poster fixed behind the counter. Felix scrunched his eyes to read the menu.
What he couldn't see was Minho staring at him in awe.
'Could this guy get any cuter?'
'Wait what the fuck Minho..'
Felix shot his eyes towards Minho making the older quickly glance away. Felix felt a slight blush come across his face when he realized the older had been staring at him.

Hyunjin put his arm around Felix's shoulder and smiled at him, "anything you have picked?"
"Erm..I'll just have a Mint chocolate.."
"Oh, you like mint chocolate?"
Felix nodded towards him as Hyunjin dramatically gripped on the material of his shirt near his chest. Felix giggled a bit as both Hyunjin and Minho felt their heartbeats race to the top of their throats by the younger's cuteness.
"Do you not like mint chocolate?"
"Nahh, I'm more of a chocolate guy."
"W-what about you Minho..?" Felix questioned nervously who was staring at him. He didn't respond and continued staring down at the male. Felix pursed his lips as Hyunjin rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers in front of the older. Minho jerked up in realization and eyed the two staring at him. "What?"
"I asked if-"
"He's more of a strawberry guy." Hyunjin interrupted as he made Felix follow him up to the counter. Minho shrugged it off and also followed behind them.

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