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Chapter 30


"Thanks for coming again Heejin." The girl smiled at him.
"Anything to help a friend out."
She spotted Felix entering the cafeteria and quickly intertwined her hand with Hyunjin's. Hyunjin was confused on her actions, not until she pointed out to Felix who had walked in along with his friends.
He let out an understandable sigh and began growing worried every time he was close.
"Do you really think this is going to work?"
"It's worth a shot." She shrugged before dragging him towards a table that was exclusively in front of Felix's.
Hyunjin remained quiet the entire time, trying his best to pretend that he was fine with all the skin ship.
They began talking about random topics until Heejin felt Felix glaring their way. She smirked and shifted closer to Hyunjin.
"He's watching." She whispered making Hyunjin nod and continue their talks.

"Lix, you okay?" Seungmin questioned the male who had a crushed apple in his palm. Felix snapped out of his thoughts and groaned on seeing the apple all crushed and spilt everywhere. He disposed it and cleaned himself using the paper towel, his gaze not leaving the two since he entered the cafeteria.
"I'm fine guys, nothing to worry about." He clarified as his friends exchanged looks with each other.
"Lix, your clearly not fine."
"Yeah, it seems like seeing Hyunjin with that new girl is getting you really aggressive-"
He shot his neck towards his friends, death glaring into them, "I said I was fine." He said in his deep voice.
They remained a bit shocked on the sudden change in voice but tried to brush it off as they took their trays of food and headed to their usual table, right next to Hyunjin's.

"Lix, if your going to stare at them can you at least make it less obvious." Jisung said eyeing Felix who had crushed Seungmin's apple this time.
The younger smacked Felix and snatched away his half crushed apple.
Felix apologized and leaned down on the table, "am I really that obvious?" He whined.
Seungmin nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Too much actually, are you sure you don't have feelings for Hyunjin?"
Felix shook his head, "no, he's just my best friend.." he admitted the words seemed more struggled when he felt a weird gurgle in his stomach.

What he didn't know was that Hyunjin had heard him. So did Heejin. He dropped the smile on his face and began to pout.
"Hyunjin..it's okay..he's just unsure of his feelings.." she tried convincing but Hyunjin wasn't buying any of it.
"M-maybe he is..I don't even find this plan to work anyways.."
he leaned his head on the girls shoulder, whining about how Felix might've hate him. Heejin couldn't help but pat his back and try bringing his motivation back up.

Felix lightly gasped on seeing how close the two were with the older burying his face into his shoulder. He raised and eyebrow until a male walking in caught his eye.
It was Minho along side with Changbin and Chan. He waved at Minho to get his attention and it did, Minho hurried towards him.
"Yes lixie?" He asked leaning down to the younger.
"Can you sit with us today?" He asked in the most convincing voice he could come up with. Minho being Minho, agreed and asked his friends to shift to the table as he settled down next to Felix.
Felix didn't let him get his food and gripped his wrist, harshly pulling him down.
"It's okay, I can share." He suggested, taking a spoonful of his own food and shoving it into the older's mouth before he could answer.
Minho was a bit confused on the younger's actions but continued to chew on his food.
Felix eyed Hyunjin who's attention he had caught and smirked, taking a spoonful of the food with the same spoon he had used for Minho.

"Oh my god- Hyunjin are you seeing this?" Heejin whispered as she and the male had their eyes glued to Felix feeding Minho.
"Did they get back together or-" before she could continue she felt a spoon rushed in front of her mouth.
"Follow my lead." Hyunjin demanded. She nodded and quietly got fed by him.

Felix churned his teeth as Hyunjin only glared at them before scooting closer towards Heejin, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
Felix wasn't going to give up any soon, and hopped onto the older's thigh, hugging him closely and continuing to feed him.
Minho had no clue on why the younger had got the sudden urge to be so touchy towards him but he couldn't question anything because Felix would always shove food down his throat every time he tried.
Hyunjin lightly gasped, taking the girls hand and intertwining with his before facing her,
"You know Heejin, your a really good person and I'd love to have you as more than just a friend, would you be my girlfriend?" He said, purposely making it loud enough for Felix to hear.
The younger harshly placed the spoon down, growing impatient from all the anger building inside of him. He shifted closer towards Minho, roughly gripping his hair and leaning closer, smashing their lips together before the older could question anything.
Minho hesitantly kissed back as some of the students let out gasps and recorded them.

Hyunjin couldn't bear the kissing sounds and yanked the girls hand away from his, standing up making everyone look at him including Felix.
He pulled out as a string of saliva connected his lips and Minho's.
Hyunjin tried to fight back the tears building up from the tension,
"I-I have to go.." he said before leaving the cafeteria.
Heejin tried stopping him from concern but before she ran behind Hyunjin she picked up the apple juice box, dumping it on both Minho and Felix.
"Asshole." She mumbled under her breath before finally leaving the two to run behind Hyunjin.

Felix watched her leave, his shirt soaking from the drink she spilled.
"I-I can clean it.." Minho suggested, lifting the male off his lap.
Chan handed them a few tissues as Minho started wiping off the younger's shirt, forgetting about his own.
Felix remained lost in his thoughts, leaving the older to do whatever he pleased.

"This. Is. War."


A/u note:
       'Besties' are fighting 👀

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