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Chapter 11


"Hold on! I'm coming!"
Jisung hurried to the males bedroom while holding up loads of clothing in his arms. He huffed once he reached and tiredly threw all the overflowing bags of clothing on the males bed.
"Took you long enough. Where are the other two!?"
His question was interrupted by two other males busting through his room with towers of clothing in their arms as well.
"We're here"
They immediately dropped themselves on the floor from carrying all the weight.

Felix rolled his eyes at his friends that were groaning in annoyance, laying tiredly on the floor.
"Stop overreacting! The party is tonight and none of us picked an outfit yet!"
"I'm just going there for the cheesecakes they give out for free. I don't really care what I'm going to wear." Jisung said proudly.
"Perfect! You can help me to pick my outfit!" Felix exclaimed while jumping happily. Jisung let out a frustrating groan, already knowing he'd be loosing his head because of the younger's situation.
Felix ignored his whines and dragged him by his arm to search through the pile of clothing.
Seungmin and Jeongin walked out since Felix already had Jisung to help him get ready.


Hyunjin let two strands of his hair fall down to his sides as his hair was still parted in the middle making his features stand out more. The shirt he wore had rolled up sleeves to his elbows with the top few buttons unbuttoned. Chains and bracelets were his accessories but he made sure to not overdo them especially since he didn't want to stand out in the crowds of people.

After he finally checked himself out by the reflection on his car window, he headed towards Felix's and knocked on the door a few times before it was answered by his sister.
"Hey noona.."
"Hello, Hyunjin. Please come in, Felix still hasn't gotten ready yet."
He smiled at her before she let him in, not forgetting to lock the door behind them.
As he entered the living room he noticed two other males holding a conversation with each other and didn't notice him until he coughed awkwardly.
Jeongin's pupils expanded on seeing the male. It was quite normal throughout the two days for them to hang out but he never failed to freak out everytime he noticed the male.
Seungmin glanced behind him to wonder why his boyfriend was staring in shock behind him and noticed Hyunjin.
"Oh hey hyung!"
Seungmin shot a smile towards him, Hyunjin returned it before sitting down on the couch opposing to them.
The older glanced at Jeongin who was awkwardly staring at him with his eyes widened and eyed him weirdly back. He pulled out his phone which seemed to freak him out more.
Before he could say anything, Jeongin shot up from his seat and held Seungmin by his wrist, making him stand up with him.
"Uh-uhm..we will get going! W-we have something important to do before the party haha..!"
Felix's sister noticed the two leaving which made her question,
"What important thing? Felix and Jisung haven't even finished yet."
"Y-yeah..we will just leave early..thanks tho haha."
Jeongin pulled his hand over Seungmin's mouth before dragging him out the door leaving the two alone.

"Well, that was weird."
Hyunjin nodded in agreement as he watched the two storm put the door.
"Oh and by the way.."
Hyunjin glanced back the the female that continued speaking,
"I just wanted to say thanks for everything.."
"Oh, no worries."
She chuckled a bit at his kindness and continued, "c-can you please take care of Felix for me?
I know it sounds selfish and deluded but..I can't be there for him at all times and sometimes he doesn't even open up to me as much as he does to you even if I'm his sister,
It shows that he trusts you a lot and I do too..which is why I'm trusting you on keeping him safe..will you do it for my sake at least?"
Hyunjin listened attentively on her words until stopping to think for a bit. He let out a soft smile while glancing towards her, "promise."

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