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Chapter 27


The female shouted out the males name as soon as he entered through the door.
Hyunjin was a bit startled at her firm words and felt uneasy seeing the intimidating look on her face.
"We need to talk. Now." She said making the male shiver.

He quietly nodded as they settled down in the living room.
Awkwardness filled the air as they sat in silence for a while until the male decided to finally speak up,
"What did you want to talk about?"
She sighed and took a gulp of her coffee, placing the mug back on the table in front of her before turning towards the male.
Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his seventh sense immediately acting up, indicating something bad happening to the male.
"What about him? Is he okay-"
"He said you have a girlfriend?"
Hyunjin went blank on hearing her words. "Did he see me and Heejin together? I hope he doesn't think I'm cheating- wait we aren't even dating!"
He shook his thoughts away and questioned further instead of jumping to conclusions, "I don't.."
"I knew it! So it was just holding hands or something right-"
"Actually, it was a date." Hyunjin interrupted her, not knowing himself why aggression was building up in him.
"A date? You? And a girl? But why?" The female asked getting concerned by each second.
"Why should it be any of your business?"
The female was a bit shocked on his new tone and way of saying words. It's almost like she could read through the anger on his face which made her confused because she'd never seen this side of him.
"Excuse me?"
"What? I said it was none of your business. Nor should it be your brothers business. Isn't that what he wanted this entire time?"
"I'm doing what he wants. He was the one feeding me with this advice of finding someone who is willing to give back the love. Maybe I finally made my mind up to follow it, but when I do your triggered? I don't get why your making it so confusing for me and yourself. For once I want to get the love i deserve but I guess I'm wrong for that too."

He stopped when he realized his voice was raising a little too much. The female lay shocked on his words a hand covering her mouth that lay agape.
A noise created from a vase falling caught the attention of the two as they glanced towards the doorway to find Felix peaking out.
He looked like he was on the verge of tears and immediately ran back into his room when he was spotted.
Hyunjin's heart was urging to run behind him, pull him into his arms and comfort him with love but his mind restricted it as he lay still with his fists clenched.
The female however, stood up and pat the males shoulder.
"He is in love Hyunjin. His actions are clear with it. He's just in denial by words. But I guess if it's still not clear to you then I can't blame you either. I'm sorry he caused a lot and I'm sorry if I made you feel restricted."
She gave out a pitiful smile but it only seemed to churn the males stomach in guilt. She took her arm away from him and walked towards her brothers bedroom leaving the male on his own.

Hyunjin sat in guilt, the thoughts starting to flood his mind again. He still needed time to think further so he stood up with his head hung low,

"I'm such an idiot for not noticing how much he loved me..all because I needed that stupid validation.."

Tears started flooding out his eyes as he headed out the door,

"I don't deserve him.."


"I knew he hated me.." Felix cried endlessly onto the chest of Jisung who held him tight and patting his head to comfort him.
"Lix, he doesn't hate you, he's just having a mood swing I guess." Seungmin said as he flicked a piece of the popcorn kernel into his mouth.

Jisung and Seungmin and come to comfort the male since his sister still had a job to attend to. Since the past two days, it had been hard for the trio mainly because of Seungmin and Jeongin's break up. Unexpectedly Seungmin seemed to barely cry and managed to be over the male in less than a week or so.
Jeongin however drifted apart from them, starting to be Minho's fuck buddy.
They don't hear from him anymore and did feel pity for him at times but there wasn't anything they could do for his unacceptable actions.
These days it was just Felix who seemed to be endlessly suffering because of the Minho and Hyunjin issue.

"B-but he didn't c-come to c-check up on me.." Felix admitted still sniffling from his heavy meltdown.
Jisung rolled his eyes on his words, "and that is why kind people don't exist in society anymore."
"What do you mean?" Felix questioned.
"They always set up high expectations from the simplest of things and make you feel abandoned if they don't do it just once."
Felix thought about his words for a minute, finding them somehow making sense.
"But sungie, I want my expectations to be high.."
"Well, you aren't going to have anybody meet them if you keep it up."
His words starting giving him a clearer vision as he thought about all the little things Hyunjin did to him, which now seemed to be considered big if he compared it to how most of the people treated him.
It was true Hyunjin left him with a high expectancy and there wasn't anything to do about it.
Felix didn't want to lower it, he would rather struggle to have them instead of lowering them down to other people.
"That's not true. Maybe it is but..I still want it sungie. I want to feel loved exactly how Jinnie hyung made me feel!"
The squirrel like male rubbed his forehead in frustration turning towards Seungmin, hoping he would help in the situation. Seungmin paused his eating marathon facing the two,
"Oh don't look at me like as if I have a clue on whatever the fuck is going on between you two."
Jisung groaned out once again.
"Gee thanks Seungmin." He said in sarcasm before turning towards Felix and wiping the tears off his cheeks, "look lix, your suspension ends tomorrow so you can just talk about it to Hyunjin at school, okay? Right now let's just forget all the drama and focus on bringing our trio back together."
Felix immediately lit up on hearing the male, sitting up straight.
"Okay..does that mean we can play games all night while chugging on tubs of ice cream!?"
Jisung side eyed Seungmin who just shrugged. His sister had warned the two before to not give the male ice cream or play games the entire night, knowing they would be basically drunk the next morning.
He looked back down to Felix giving him the puppy eyes and groaned again.
"What flavor of ice cream do you want?"
Felix screeched in excitement and hurried next to Seungmin, setting up their gaming stations while switching on the tv.
Jisung came back with the tubs of ice cream which ended in them having a whole food fight.
Let's just say half of the ice cream remained on the walls.
The house looked a terrible nightmare but their tears of laughter seemed to be going on till midnight.


A/u note :
      Contemplating whether I should make Minho a good guy now or not.

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