The Chase

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EDITED JAN 17, 2023


"Charlie can you hurry up and pick out the stupid chilli already?" I complained to my brother while he looked for the correct can.
"Maddi calm down. We have to get the right one." He slowly says while looking at the multiple different shelves with cans stacked on them.

"This one." He says with a smirk and grabs the one from the very top shelf. 
"It has to be this one? You couldn't just pick any can of chilli, it had to be that specific  one?" I ask him with slight annoyance in my voice.

"It has to be the hottest chilli that was on the shelf so we have more luck and so it happens faster. We have hockey soon remember?" He asks me as if it wasn't the most obvious question in the worlds. 

"Whatever, just hurry up." I quickly grab the can from his hands and walk over to the checkout counter. The worker scans it and I pay quickly. 
"Thank you." I smile at the worker and walk out of the shop with the can in a bag. 

"Hey Maddi wait for me!" I hear my brother yell to me from the shop doors. 
"Well I told you to hurry up didn't I?!" I yell back at him and slightly slow down my pace so that he can catch up quickly. 

"Let's just go. Hopefully the boys have found a bag of some sort." He nodded at me and we continue to walk until we found an alley way and also luckily the boys.
"Did you bring it?" Peter was the first one who saw us and was also the first to question us.

"Right here." A smile reaches my lips and I tipped the bag ao the can rolled into my hand. The others smiled at each other and laughed. The prank was gonna be awesome and, nothing bad was happening because it's a harmless prank pulled by a bunch of kids.

"Come here Petie. Here boy." Karp asked in a higher pitched voice than usual and all of a sudden, a dog came sprinting around the corner.
"Karp did you just name a random dog in the street Petie?" I try to stop myself from laughing but a slight chuckle still came out.

"Maddi he's not just any dog. He's my dog and he ran away a few months ago but my parent won't let me have him back in the house." Karp had this attitude in his tone that made me actually want to punch that smile right off his face but I stopped myself.

"Yeah whatever." I cross my arms and they all look at me.
"Why are you looking at me? Feed the stupid dog. Or do you want me to do it?" I tared in disbelief and laughed at them as if I was gonna do anything like that.

We were now walking down the path following 'Petie' 
"I can't believe he ate the actual can too." I turn to face my brother and his face is a mix of both disgust and impressed. I shook my head but continue following. 

"He stops." Averman basically yells in my ear and I am then brought back out of my thoughts and I whack him on the head to get his attention.
"Jeez Averman I wonder if you could deafen me more than you already have?" I asked a rhetorical question, but he didn't figure that out.

He opened his mouth to answer but I turn to him.
"It was a rhetorical question. I didn't actually want an answer. Just track Petie some more." I turn back around and notice that the other three have kept walking because the dog started moving again. 

We catch up to them and I look over at Peter.
"Hey Pete. Is it confusing being around Karp while he's with his dog or do you just not pay attention?" I looked down at him.

There was one perk of standing next to or near Peter. I was actually taller than him which was difficult for me because everyone was like 5'4 to 5'7. But I was only 5'2 and Peter was barely 5'1. I was happy that I was taller than someone because Terry may look short but he's still taller than me. 

"Nah I've just learnt that when Karp is anywhere near his dog I will just leave because that can get really confusing and it really doesn't help with his anger so, yeah I just let him be." We were just standing towards the back of the group while the others all argue about who was going to pick the dog shit up. 

I groan, roll my eyes and walk up to them. 
"I'll do it! You're all pussies." I complain and walk in front of them. 
"Give me the bag." I hold my hand out and Karp passed the hand bag to me.

I roll my eyes again and open the bag up. I quickly picked it up and threw it into the bag. God it smelt horrible. 
"This is gonna be perfect. But let's be quick because it smells so bad." We all laugh and start walking towards the road.

"Ok someone hand me the dollar and then you guys go hide behind that truck. I'll be there in a minute." I point towards a big yellow truck that nobody was using. Peter handed me the money and then they all went and hid.

I put the bag on the ground, made sure the money was hanging outside the bag but was still there and clipped it up. Once I did I quickly ran so I was hiding with the boys and we all burst out laughing.

I feel sorry for what this poor person was going to get themselves into but then again they deserve it if they were going to just take the money. Just as I thought that, a very nice red car drives past and stops.

"Guys look. He's getting out of the car." I hit one of their shoulders to get their attention and point towards the man. The man picked up the purse and then walked back to the car and got in.

"This dude deserves what he's getting." Peter was laughing but managed to get the words out. He started driving off but didn't make it very far before he stopped and threw the bag out of the car.

We came out of hiding and started laughing but I looked over to the car and saw that he was looking at us. My eyes went wide and I turned back to the boys.
"Guys he saw us! We gotta run!" I basically yell and they all look over to see him starting to reverse his car. 

We all started running as he was reversing his car. We turn a corner and he started coming after us.
"We need to get him out of the car so we have an advantage." I yell and look around. I see a mesh fence that we can all climb over.

"Oi follow me!" I start running down the alley and I jump straight over the fence, stopping to make sure the boys were all behind me. Soon after they all got over the fence, but the man wasn't far away.

We started running again and we ran through a construction site. First we went through a huge pipe and we lost him for a little bit, then we went over this plank of wood like it was a seesaw and that hit him in the face.

Finally we climbed over another plank of wood but this one was thinner and much more slippery. We stopped after we got to the end and we all watched him fall on his private parts and then fall into some concrete. 

We all start laughing but Charlie stops quickly and gets our attention.
"Guys we are gonna be late for practice. I mean I know we don't have a coach anymore but still we can't be late." 

We all stop laughing and start running out of the construction site and on the roads. It may not be the safest option but it was the fastest and we couldn't take shortcuts because we don't have our skates. 

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