CHAPTER 11 - Hashira: Part 1

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CHAPTER 11 - Hashira: Part 1


"Now what's this? Someone's bloodthirsty tonight." Zoro said. He was willing to entertain no hostile encounters. He was pissed off with the others getting lost.

"Let... me go!"


"You started this fight. I hope you are prepared." Zoro grabbed seemingly two young kids with both his arms. One of them was a boy with a scar on his forehead, whilst the other was a girl with a bamboo gag on her mouth. The boy broke free from Zoro's hold, getting hold of his own blade.

"Breath of Water - Second Form - Water Wheel!" Zoro let go of the girl, dodging the attack. He drew his Shusui out of precaution.

"I've seen that technique." Zoro mentioned.

He observed that the kid was furious. It almost seemed as if he was mad, his eyes were red. To make it more complicated, the kid was bashed up.

"You lost a fight or something, kid?" Zoro asked.

The kid became furious and rushed in. Before he could've summoned another Breath Technique, Zoro had blocked his sword. He knocked off the kid's blade leaving him defenseless. The girl rushed in to attack. Zoro used his Observation Haki to dodge her beastly moves. The girl resembled that of a Demon. Zoro observed her in surprise.

"Who are you brats?" Zoro asked.


"Zoro!" Shinobu showed up.

"Be careful! These brats are going insane." Zoro warned as he held the kids. Shinobu adjusted her vision in the dark and observed the situation.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko!" she shouted.

The kid dropped his sword, ending his resistance against the Pirate Hunter. The girl stopped on her tracks, observing Shinobu.

"Lady Shinobu." muttered the boy, coming back to his senses. Zoro released him.

"What happened? How did you get lost?" Zoro asked.

"Don't you dare!" Shinobu retorted, "Anyway, how did you find these kids?"

"They attacked me out of nowhere. This kid with the sword was especially adamant."

"Tanjiro?" Shinobu surprised, looked at the kid.

"It seems he had been bashed up pretty bad before he showed up." Zoro mentioned, "Kids going mad, it seemed. And what about that girl? What's with those fangs of hers?"

Shinobu rushed ahead to check on Tanjiro's situation. His sister Nezuko crawled forward and observed Shinobu with an innocent face.

"How have you been, Nezuko? What happened out here?" Shinobu smiled.

"Mmff...mmm..." Nezuko tried to convey.

"Is she dumb?" Zoro was blunt.

"No." Shinobu returned a sharp look, "She's a Demon."

Zoro had a feeling that the kid girl gave the vibes of a Demon. He observed Shinobu as she went along well with the Nezuko kid. He kept his blades at bay.

"That's weird. She doesn't sense much like the usual Demon." Zoro mentioned, employing his Observation Haki.

"You are right." Shinobu replied, "She's quite different, and she hasn't killed a human."

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