CHAPTER 16 - The Breath of Love

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CHAPTER 16 - The Breath of Love


The small town was dead as the night. The clock struck nine. It was the night after Uzui departed from the Pillar meeting. It was indeed a strange circumstance for a town to go dark at the hour. The moon was the only source of light.

"I don't see anyone. Are businesses supposed to drop at this hour?" Kanao asked, looking around with caution.

Uzui looked upon her and a slight chuckle, "From what I've known, you were the quiet kid. You've become quite the chatty girl since you've met those new kids. Shinobu told me you fancied the 'headbutting' kid, the one with the Demon sister."

Kanao was surprised by the sudden revelation of things. She wasn't expecting Uzui to bring out something so unexpected.

I can't believe sister Shinobu said such things. Wait, I don't know if this is true. Why am I blushing?

Kanao turned red.

Uzui said, "I know how you feel. I have three wives myself, so it's okay."

"Wait, you are mistaken." Kanao objected, "And did you say, 'three wives'?"

Uzui stopped the conversion after he heard a snicker from one of the houses. Kanao followed him and drew out her sword.

"Looks like we are not alone." Uzui stepped forward.


"First Form - Shivers of First Love!"

Law was taken aback by the flurry of slashes that came upon him with a force that he didn't expect.

"Love Breathing - Second Form - Anguish Inducing Love!" Mitsuri charged with brilliance, letting out an attack that flailed like a whip.

Law couldn't dodge the attack. The force of the Second Form made an explosion upon contact. Iguro thought to stop the battle. He believed the fight had gone on long enough.

Mitsuri showed no restraint. Despite Law's reputation and being an outsider, Iguro believed that Mitsuri was overdoing with her passion and damage, assisted by her whip-shaped sword. Aoi and the girls observed the grand joust of Hashiras. They believed Hashira Kanroji had the advantage since the start, Captain Law taking a nasty beating from a woman, who was considered one of the strongest even amongst her male peers.

Law was never a man to fool around, and could've maneuvered the attacks with his Op-Op Fruit powers. The girls remembered. Law had mentioned fighting Mitsuri without using the weird powers, the same ones which he used to subdue Zenitsu and Inosuke for disobeying medical routine and their outbursting shenanigans.

The dust cleared revealing the man, yet in one piece. His sword turned black, much to everyone else's surprise and curiosity. Law discovered the scrapes through his jacket. Mitsuri's First Form attacks did the job. For the most part, he was able to dodge with his Observation Haki, being relatively unhurt.

"The Second technique would've sent me to the patient's room." Law told himself, "The Armament Haki stopped the final blow."

Everyone was shocked to find the man standing, Iguro amongst all, who had known the secrets of Mitsuri's unbelievable strength. No mere man could've defended a direct strike from her Second Form. Mitsuri's strength could've given the other Hashiras a formidable competition.

"Armament!" Law reinforced his Haki, expecting Mitsuri to throw her love tantrum in a second round.

"You are strong." Law said, "Much stronger than I had believed. Your strength alone shall give many pirates the run for their money."

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