CHAPTER 34 - Monsters & Regimen: Part 1

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CHAPTER 34 - Monsters & Regimen: Part 1


Gunshots. He recognised the gun. The flintlock resounded through the snow town. He remembered the snow dyed red, his eyes blurry from the tears gushing down from his eyes. And then, he saw him through the treasure box, glaring back through the sunglasses, grinning with the flintlock aiming back.

Birds chirped outside. His vision returned with a similar blurriness, except he knew he had no tears and felt dry with the morning sun. He felt delirious observing his wounds from the previous day, aching like hell to start his new morning. His delirium was a result not of his pains but of his fever that seemed to magnify since the previous night. And yet, those were trifles compared to the responsibility he had on his hands. His crew awaited him. The alliance beckoned him to plan ahead, and yet, he had little to go on in the current circumstances.

"Captain Law, uh, good morning." mentioned Aoi, who showed up at his door.

Law sat up on his bed but made no reply. He remained dazed in his thoughts for a minute until Aoi spoke up again.

"Are you alright?" Aoi asked.

Law looked at her. Aoi withdrew her face downwards observing his stare.

"How are you feeling, kid?" Law asked. He remembered the events from the previous day.

"I... I'm fine. But I can't remember much from yesterday." Aoi replied.

"Hmm." Law nodded, getting off his bed. He realised his fever hadn't gone down.

"Take it easy, alright." he told the girl.

"I'm sorry, Captain. For all I did." Aoi bowed.

"So you've heard, eh?"

Aoi nodded.

"Then you must know it's the she-Demon who caused all the chaos, and not you. Am I wrong?" Law asked, whilst putting on his jacket and picking up his blade.

"No, but..."

"I told you to take it easy, kid. I was there the whole time. You have nothing to feel wrong about. You let me know if someone says otherwise."

Law observed the pile of papers on his table. Maps and letters alike. He found an unopened letter and observed the envelope.

"This's from Ubuyashiki. Came this morning?" he asked Aoi.

Aoi nodded.

He read the contents, describing advancements of Jack's horde. Aoi observed the angst on Law's face and knew there was nothing good on the paper.

"Where's Zoro-ya?" Law demanded, turning to the young girl.

"He went out a while back with Lady Shinobu, Kanao and Hashira Tomioka. He mentioned of training." Aoi replied.

"Right, right. He did mention." Law nodded leaning his forehead onto his right hand stumped on the table. Aoi observed the pain on his face. Law tucked the letter into his jacket pocket. He saw the mess on his table, maps, letters, his logbook, and medical papers. Sweat dripped through his eyebrows.

"You should rest, Captain. I shall inform Lady Tamayo..." Aoi said in concern. She had a feeling the man had a high fever.

"Not now." Law stood up straight, wiping off his sweat. He put on his hat, "Upon my return. I shall leave in a while."

"I forgot to mention. Lady Mitsuri asked you to attend the Hashira meeting today. She told of leaving in a while."

"Very well. Thanks for the update."

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