CHAPTER 8 - Master of the Ark: Part 2

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CHAPTER 8 - Master of the Ark: Part 2


Giant waves slammed upon the ship's hull from the side, wrecking imbalance aboard. The zombies were persistent, showing no forms of emotion. On the other side, Law and his crew awaited an answer from Dr. Hogback.

"Very well." Moria's right-hand man had no choice but to comply with their demands. His enemies seemed the only ones capable of permitting and rescuing his boss in the storm.

"Are you sure about this, Tora-o?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah. The defeat of Moria and his gang is the least of our concern. But we'll need this crew against Jack."

"Don't tell me, you are going back to fight that pirate?" Shinobu was startled.

Law didn't reply. Shinobu knew that she was correct.

"I'm in. We'll need to face Kaido soon enough, and this might prove an advantage." Zoro said.

"You both are insane." Shinobu remarked.


Meanwhile, a few of the zombies brought Tomioka from the brig.

"Giyu!" Shinobu bellowed.

"Release him!" Hogback demanded.

Tomioka was conscious and was let loose from his binds. He received his blade and joined ranks with his allies.

"I wasn't expecting you all to follow me here." Tomioka mentioned.

"We couldn't leave you with the enemy." Shinobu said.

"We need the ship." Zoro mentioned, "So prepare for a mutiny."

"This isn't our ship. This is an invasion." Law reminded.


"Alright, we have agreed to your first demand. Now I must emphasise on the fact to save the Master."

"Wait!" a loud and familiar voice. Everyone gazed at the rear of the ship and found the silhouette of a giant figure. The Master survived the harsh waters. And beside him was seen the sharpshooter, who had rescued the ship Captain his hook shot.

"Master!" Hogback was overjoyed.

"Room! Shambles!" Law made a quick move and swapped himself with the sharpshooter. With the Master back onboard, Law knew the truce seemed at an end.

Everyone was shocked to find the man holding his sword next to Moria's neck.

"One move and he's dead." Law remarked.

"What the hell?" Moria was baffled.

"He will be held prisoner, and bestow the command of his zombies to us." Law stated his second demand.

"Very well!" Hogback agreed. He couldn't take the terror of Trafalgar Law anymore.

"Dr. Hogback!" Moria was furious about the deal.

Law pricked his neck with a small cut. Blood brew out of the wound.

"No words." he declared. Moria was annoyed yet terrified about his situation. He decided to keep his mouth shut. To their utter surprise, Law was glad to realise that the ship carried sea prism stone chains on deck. Hogback was hesitant. He ordered one of the zombies to retrieve the same. Moria was tied to the mast with Sea Prism chains. The zombies retained their shadows but were forced to step back.

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