CHAPTER 13 - Mage

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CHAPTER 13 - Mage


"Shut your yap and drink that medicine." Law said.

The Heart Pirates Captain was in-charge of looking after the patients injured in the train incident. The event that led to the demise of Pillar Rengoku.

"I don't wanna. It's so bitter!" Zenitsu complained.

"Listen to the Doctor, Zenitsu. Why are you whining like a brat?" Aoi was annoyed, "Just sit down and drink up."

Zenitsu showed no restraints in his behaviour, until Law drew out his sword.

"You got a problem?"

The problem-child was put in his place, drinking the bitter medicine he so hated and without further complaint.

"Alright, I'm done here for now. I'll be in my room if anything comes up." Law mentioned.

"Yes, sir." Aoi replied.


Law searched through various contexts to get a clue on how they had landed on a different realm. He found out that the Kraken was a real deal. It was expected to be responsible for the countless shipwreck those that ventured through the same patch of waters along the Ryukyu Island chain.

Law and Zoro weren't the only ones to find themselves out of the New World. The New Gecko Pirates along with a strong contingent of the Beast Pirates were added to the confusion. Law was beginning to wonder if the Grand Line of the New World shifted towards a new horizon that he had believed unforeseen. He remembered, there had been a thick fog on their departure from Dressrosa as Bartolomeo's ship made way for Zou.

The Heart Pirates Captain knew that something was up. Something connecting the fog from the New World and the Kraken.


There had been instances of people and ships disappearing at sea, but no significant information was being mentioned in the sources. Gecko Moria, under Law's custody, was tight-lipped as ever giving no answers despite the dangers and threats he had faced from Law. Kiyo showed up later in the afternoon for the Captain's lunch.

"Thank you." Law appreciated as he relished the meal.

"You must be tired. You have been working for three days straight." Kiyo said.

"I'll be fine." Law replied, "I'm a ship's Captain. I need to keep myself informed. People are depending on us to return back."

"Are you leaving soon?"

There was a sad look in her eyes. Law observed her.

"I shall be staying around until your mistress returns back. Besides, I gave my word to help out." he said.

Kiyo's face brightened up. She bowed and left with a smile.


Later, Aoi mentioned that a Kakushi had shown up with a message for him. Law left his books and walked to the entrance.

"Are you Trafalgar Law?" she asked.

"That's me." Law replied.

"A message from Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Pillar."

"Hmm... news sooner than I expected." Law wondered as he opened the letter.

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