CHAPTER 14 - Sacrifice

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CHAPTER 14 - Sacrifice


Shinobu couldn't believe her eyes. For the first time in their journey, Zoro had surrendered from a fight. The man withdrew his blades.

"I want you to honour your deal, right now." Zoro demanded.

"I know. I'll honour the deal. In exchange, you'll have to come along with us." Hawkins replied.

Beast Pirates grunts showed up and cuffed Zoro, confiscating his blades.

"But why?" Shinobu asked.

"Don't worry about it. And besides, forget about the pirate situation. They were looking out for me so they won't have a reason to cause a fuss."


"I don't want to hear about it. It's my choice, I'll pay for the consequences. If you are thinking of anything, don't think about it."

"Zoro." Kanae observed the man's conviction.

"You heard me, Hawkins." Zoro looked ahead.

"Very well."


And with that Zoro left the village with Hawkins and other members of the Beast Pirates. Shinobu observed them go, but couldn't do a thing.

"It's not your fault." Kanae mentioned, "He was adamant, and we couldn't have helped him in this situation. Zoro believed he had good reason to do what he did."

"I can't let it end this way. That Hawkins, he will pay." Shinobu was furious after a long time.


Zoro was thrown into the brig of a Beast Pirate ship that was anchored off the coast.

"Hah, serves your right, Pirate Hunter. Master Jack hasn't arrived yet, but you can count your days." bellowed one of the pirates.

The brig went into silence. Zoro's handcuffs were removed but there seemed to be no way of getting out of the bars.

"Hey you, I heard you were caught by Hawkins. Are you really the Pirate Hunter?" asked one of his cell-mates. Zoro hadn't realised that a person was sitting quietly behind him.

"Yeah, so what?" Zoro replied.

"So what's the plan, are you getting out?"

"Do you see a way?"

"Not yet, but it all depends on the purpose."


One day after, Law received Shinobu's message...

Back at the Butterfly Mansion, Law knew better than to head out without further details. Shinobu had sent the letter the previous evening, detailing the situation regarding Zoro and the man named Basil Hawkins. The lamps lightened the room after the sun went down.

"I can't believe he's here. That would count two of the Supernovas, besides Zoro-ya and myself." he told himself.

Shinobu's assistant Sumi showed up in the room and mentioned that the patients were done with their recuperation training.

"Let them rest, and I don't want that Zenitsu and Inosuke leaving the mansion. Tell them that I'll hunt them down." Law said.

"If you say so." Sumi seemed unsure of his idea.

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