CHAPTER 23 - The Comeback!

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CHAPTER 23 - The Comeback! Powerful Science & the Nichirin Blade


The night wasn't going as good. Debris all around. The battle against the Lower Demon Moon in the town of Shi-niju turned tables. Not that Uzui hadn't had the better, but it so happened that the losing side got reinforced with a member of the Upper group. Number Four, named Hantengu, and worse, there were two of the same guy.

A clear sky, a wonderful moonlit night, and yet lightning dropped from the heavens. The situation was stormy. Dropped by one of the two Uppers holding out his lightning staff. Hantengu, a fellow possessing the Blood Demon Art of splitting itself into emotional clones. Uzui had no idea.

This isn't looking good. Uzui was pinched. The Uppers needn't the presence of its underling Lower Demon. The latter was dispatched to the Takeshi's Castle. Uzui knew that the deduction of the Lower Moon was of the least benefit to him. The Uppers were indeed formidable. Named Sekido and Karaku, the clones of Hantengu showcased the emotions in the form of Anger and Joy.

Sekido had the ability to throw lightning bolts, shaking the very floor of the southern streets.

Uzui's ability of Echolocation came in lifesaving and handy, predicting the thunderbolts. But there seemed to be no way to slip into the enemy's defence with the perpetual barrage. And to his concern, there was the other one, Karaku who hadn't lifted a finger. What is his ability? He wondered. Unlike the small fries, these Upper Demon Moons lived up to their reputation. The Demon Slayer Uzui must step up his game.

Amongst his many attempts to slash the lightning user, Uzui had been studying Sekido's movements with his Echolocation technique called 'Score', which allowed him to observe the enemy's movements and retort back to his advantage. He saw a rare opening amidst the angry thunderbolts, and planned to attack the enemy's staff. The rod must've worked as the source of the lightning barrage. He had almost made it to the enemy, his twin swords ready to slam.


His Echolocation jolted a severe warning that very moment. Uzui had remembered the other guy, parrying at the end moment, dodging a strong gust of air that zoomed past at great speed. Uzui was shocked to find that Sekido's staff arm was cut off as a consequence of the wind attack.

Karaku responsible, was enjoying the moment. Sekido grabbed the falling staff with his other arm and slammed it into Karaku's torso. A melee attack with pure speed and stab. A rift between the clones.

Uzui recorded Sekido's agility and remarked it as bad news. He had to change priorities. There was no way he could've countered Sekido with the presence of Karaku, backing up with the wind attack. The fellow carried a large fan resembling a maple leaf.

Sekido was a bad-tempered demon and seemed to have been bossing around his companion, despite both being part clones of the same Demon. Uzui couldn't understand the relationship but knew that Karaku acted as the support against the dominance of Sekido.

"Very well." Uzui told himself, recollecting Karaku's surprising attack.

The Flying Slash from Karaku's fan had levelled a few houses on its trajectory. Confronting head-on seemed a senseless option, especially with Sekido keeping a hawk's eye, and dropping lightning hate as he saw fit. The squabble between the two Demons gave Uzui enough time for a solution. Karaku and Sekido recovered from their respective injuries inflicted upon each other. They made reconciliations, and were ready for Round 2.

Tengen Uzui was not a graduate of Physics, but had certain conceptual knowledge proving useful to his Sound Breath technique. And amongst them were the properties of electricity, and its discharge through a Lightning Rod. A fellow named Benjamin Franklin from the west was responsible for its study back in the 1750s, which allowed any strong discharge of electricity to disperse into the ground. And it so happened that Shi-niju was one of those towns back in the day that established electric poles, after the ground-breaking energy source was put first to use in the mainland since 1878.

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