CHAPTER 30 - Inner Conundrums

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CHAPTER 30 - Inner Conundrums


Ominous winds blew in the night. Though insistent to be alone, Law kept his guard up whilst returning back from Hashira Iguro's residence. He kept his blade on his shoulder, ready to enforce action should the night demand it. He was grimmer than usual knowing well of the stakes that escalated in the past day. Jack was out looking for him and Zoro, which could turn disastrous should the pirate make landfall at the Demon Slayer Headquarters. And there was the news of Kibutsuji who was supposed to be dead and yet Tamayo had given valid analysis that the Demon King might be alive.

Law praised Zoro's effort in taking down three big names in one night, regardless of the uncertainty that followed. Especially Doflamingo, who was considered a very dangerous pirate, capable of leading to severe repercussions should he be left alone. Law grasped his blade thinking of Doflamingo wishing that he had headed out and killed him with his own hands.

On the other hand, Law knew it wouldn't be the best idea to start a battle against Jack's crew on the Mainland. It was bad enough when he and Zoro were forced to land on the beachhead thanks to Moria's last-minute hindrance. As a consequence, the Beast Pirates made landfall pursuing them. Law knew there was only one simple solution to split up his enemies. To leave the mainland and confronting Jack at sea. Then again, fighting Jack didn't seem the best idea whilst the Straw Hat-Heart Pirates Alliance hadn't most of its members.

"Well, damn." Law mumbled, finding no significant answer.

Thoughts revolved inside his head regarding their need to depart back to their friends who awaited their absence and disappearance, at the island of Zou. He had checked on many contexts to get an idea over their unexpected venture into a different realm, trying to connect with sea incidents and lore that talked of the unnatural. Within all the theories and rumours, Law found only a handful which gave him some reasons to head out to sea and confront locations of the mentioned happenings.

A thought clicked at that moment, reminding him of the story of a precious stone that had been rumoured to summon unnatural events should someone possess it. Although its usage had been described with great vehemence, the actual outcomes were shrouded in mystery. Some recounts mention it could have summoned a storm of the greatest magnitude, whilst others describe the stone to communicate with merfolks, the latter which was considered a part of the many legends that included other fictitious characters at the mainland.

Though Law didn't express his search of enquiring every person he had met, he did ask the people he trusted. During the week when Zoro and his team were out in the wild, he had talked to various people, including Mitsuri, Iguro, the Stone Hashira Himejima and Kagaya Ubuyashiki to find some answers. Within them, Mitsuri and Ubuyashiki were the only ones who hadn't denied his search for 'fiction', Mitsuri supporting the wonders of the unknown item, which she believed would bring more love for adventure. Law couldn't deny his staple for adventure at sea, but her passion did not help his present matters. Upon being told, Mitsuri described her eagerness to go out to sea should Law and Zoro depart in search of their own realm. Law appreciated Mitsuri's strength and fighting ability and would've welcomed some help. But that could wait as he needed answers to the more immediate problem.

Ubuyashiki, on the other hand, talked of the stone which had been mentioned in the mainland's history with regard to piracy during the 1600s, when smaller-sized brigand groups fended off larger fleets with the rumoured stone.

"In the end, the said pirates had disappeared in time without being studied of their stories. Despite all the supernatural instances, there must have been some logical explanations." Ubuyashiki had said in the earlier meet.

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