CHAPTER 4 - Dire Straits

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CHAPTER 4 - Dire Straits


"K... Kanae Kocho..." Tomioka couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wait, she's Kocho-ya's sibling?" Law was shocked.

Shinobu took over the battle from Zoro, clashing swords against the opponent.

"How do you know that?" Tomioka was surprised. He had no idea that Law had any knowledge of Shinobu's sister.


"That's the deceased sister Shinobu was talking about." Zoro mentioned, "This has been a morbid night."


Kanae Kocho was much stronger than Shinobu had remembered since the last time. The master of the Flower Breath Style attacked with a much robust and aggressive strength against her known graceful movements.

"Big sister! What's wrong with you?" Shinobu hollered.

"Big sister? Poor thing, I believe you must've mistaken me for someone else." Kanae replied.

Against everyone's expectations, she withdrew her blade, "I came to hunt demons. You don't look like the ones I'm looking for. I don't have the time to drag this fight any longer."

But Shinobu wasn't satisfied. She wanted answers. She was upset. She wanted Kanae to remember.

Blades clashed once again.

"I guess you wouldn't stop? It's a pity that I'll have to kill you." Kanae said, "Breath of Flower, Fourth Form..."

"I think this should stop." Law suggested. Zoro didn't move.

"Crimson Hanagoromo."

To Shinobu's eyes, Kanae performed one of her own techniques for the first time. Shinobu was overwhelmed, despite her deployed defence. Her guard broke, throwing her off her stance. Tomioka rushed in to protect Shinobu. But Kanae showed no restraint.

She's too fast. Tomioka drew his sword, hoping to reach in time and block the move.

"No mercy." Kanae said, hacking her blade upon her forgotten sister. Tomioka was too late.

"Lion's Song!"

To Kanae's surprise, her blade was cut in two.

A strong attack, dicing her blade into two. Zoro turned back and aimed his Shusui.

"This fight is over. Your opponent's down." he mentioned, "If you are eager to continue, I'll take over."

Kanae looked at her blade and immediately realised Zoro's skill and strength. She returned her gaze upon Tomioka, who was protecting a wounded Shinobu.

"Very well." Kanae withdrew her broken blade.

Zoro and Tomioka kept their guard.

"I'll leave." Kanae declared.

"But before that, tell us one thing." Law stepped up into the game. Kanae shifted her gaze.

"Did you kill those people back in the forest?"

Kanae continued to look upon him.

"I don't know what you are talking about." she replied, looking upon Shinobu.

"Don't you remember your younger sister?" Tomioka demanded.

Kanae glared upon her fallen opponent, "My... younger sister..." She sighed after a ponder, "I don't remember having any siblings."

KAIZOKU: KIMETSU NO YAIBA ||One Piece x Kimetsu no Yaiba||Where stories live. Discover now