CHAPTER 37 - Overtaken? Blood Demon Art & Nox Battles

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CHAPTER 37 - Overtaken? Blood Demon Art & Nox Battles


"There's no end to this swarm of scum!" bellowed Kid, slamming down a Demon, crushing its head.

Eustass Kid, a pirate Captain from the Worst Generation was in a swell of fury, bashing and stomping Demons as the man walked down the forested path.

One of the Demons dodged his metal attack, springing back towards the pirate with double the speed. Kid got hold of a spear within his armoury slamming it into the Demon's face. With the momentum of the jumping Demon itself, the whole body was impaled into the spear. Kid hacked off the head, knowing well of their weakness by then. The Pirate Captain had undergone a hard week. After being defeated by one of the Four Emperors, Kaido, he had been flailed around like a ragdoll taking the beatings from the Beast Pirates under Jack, who had been provided the responsibility to break Kid. During the malicious ordeal, the rest of the Kid Pirates were locked up on Jack's ship.

Kid remembered Jack's ship embarking upon the mysterious island of Zou, where he had known Jack and his crew wrecked the population out there. The surprising defeat of Donquixote Doflamingo had withdrawn Jack's crew out of Zou and towards the island of Dressrosa where the alliance of the Straw Hats and the Heart Pirates had caused a major uproar.

"Damn that Kaido!" Kid rumbled, "I'll get him once I put Hawkins and Apoo six feet under."

He knew he was on the right path with the increase in the number of Demons along his path. Kid had planned an attack on the Beast Pirates Fleet two nights back, hoping to free his crew from the brig of Jack's flagship. He was furious to find the Demons beating him to the destination. More troubles followed when a Marine Fleet followed suit right after the Demonic attack, revealing unneeded terrors like former Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Admiral Fujitora. Kid had no choice but to abandon the attack. Instead, he knew that the Demons had taken his crew prisoner along with others.

Upon reaching a clearing within the forest, Kid's senses keened ahead. He couldn't see far ahead thanks to the waning moon, but could feel the disturbance. Calming himself down, he made a light grin, expecting excitement and trouble.


A battle ahead. Metallic clangs and slashes were heard with often shockwaves of blows.

"Killer!" Kid bellowed.

The clash did not stop. Kid observed that Killer was busy fighting an opponent who showed high calibre compared to all the small-timers that he had to face off against.

"Captain!" Killer replied, back-leaping through the air. He landed next to Kid.

"Having a great time?" Kid asked, glaring ahead.

The Demon ahead had a pale complexion with blue stripes and unfaltering yellow eyes.

"I have seen him." Kid added. Killer looked at him curious.

"That's the crazy bastard who stormed onto Jack's ship. Took all hostage." Killer explained.

"No wonder. I saw the bastard at the beachhead. You won't believe it, I tell ya. Two Admirals showed up soon after." Kid bellowed.

"You must be joking. And where were you? We could have used some help out there. These creatures, I don't know what they are. They won't die after being hacked in half."

"Where are the others?"

"You might know there were more of these creatures. The rest of them fled off with our captive crewmates the moment I broke loose. Heat and Wire, and the others, they are out there along with a bunch of other prisoners. Amongst them I realised, a few hailed from the Revolutionary Army."

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