CHAPTER 6 - Boss Man

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CHAPTER 6 - Boss Man


"Roronoa Zoro! Long time no see! I hope you haven't forgotten the humiliation you had dealt us at Thriller Bark?" Moria walked ahead, "I read the papers. You and your crew have dealt the same blow to Doflamingo, and I'm glad that bastard has gone down."

"What the hell do you think you are doing out here?" Zoro demanded.

"Why, my? Kishishishi... You don't need to concern yourself with my goals. But you should be concerned about yourself."

"It won't be like last time."

"I know. Kishishi..." Moria dug under his jacket and pulled out a bundle of papers, "I have been up to date on your exploits. Roronoa Zoro. Worth 320 million berries. And my, you've brought a terrifying figure to the stands."

The rest of Zoro's group had gathered at the battlefield. Moria noticed the Surgeon of Death.

"Former Warlord, Trafalgar Law... worth 500 million berries."

"Yeah, you are no different, Gecko Moria. I heard you had been killed in Marineford two years back." Law retorted.

"I never die!" Moria shouted, "But who would've thought we would be crossing paths in this desolated island. You've gathered quite the group, Roronoa. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that stupid Straw Hat captain of yours."

"You'll have to defeat me before you can get to Luffy. And I'm not letting you leave with that conscience." Zoro replied.

"Big words. But I know better than to underestimate your strength. And then there's Trafalgar Law." Moria had a mad demeanour, "Dr. Hogback?"

"Yes, Master?"

"Prepare the best corpses. We will be acquiring the cream of the crop in this battle."

"Indeed." Dr. Hogback retreated from the battlefield.

"What's he talking about?" Tomioka asked.

"Don't let him near you or your shadow." Zoro warned, "That guy has the power of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, the ability to take control of your shadows and use them inside the dead bodies."

"In other words, the dead are controlled by the shadows of someone else." Law figured, "I had heard of his ability, and it's unsettling."

"Zoro-ya, I'll deal with Moria. You guys can take down his minions and the demons."

"Are you sure? That guy is cunning." Zoro mentioned.

"It doesn't matter. He's going down." Law walked ahead.

"Wait!" Shinobu bellowed. Law turned around.

"What will happen if he's killed? What will happen to my sister?"

"The shadow possessing her body will depart and return back to its living owner." Zoro explained, "But there's another way to purify a zombie..."

"I want to fight my sister. I want to defeat her with my own hands." Shinobu said.

"Be my guest. She's not my concern." Law replied.

"Hey, what are you plotting out there? Don't tell me you've found a way to defeat me. Kishishi..." Moria mocked his enemies.

"Alright, let's move." Zoro said. He decided to handle the demon faction all by himself. Tomioka and Shinobu assisted Law against Moria and the undead.


"Room!" Law was impatient. He wanted to end Moria in one-fell-swoop.

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