CHAPTER 31 - Deserter's Tale & the Merciless Brigands

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CHAPTER 31 - Deserter's Tale & the Merciless Brigands


Law couldn't tell what's wrong with her. He knew Aoi wasn't her normal self, yet couldn't deny Nezuko brimming with frenzy and ready to be let loose. He couldn't tell his companion to stay put whilst the dilemma. Aoi had been a decent and helpful girl until that moment. And yet no chances could have been taken with stakes high.

"If that's what you want..." Law extended his left arm aiming his palm below, "Roo..."

Aoi leaped upon him at tremendous speed. Nezuko interfered impaling her attacking arm.

"Room!" Law managed to extend his membrane.

Aoi furious, directed her rage towards Nezuko. To the latter's surprise, she summoned claws on her other arm.


Law flipped himself with Nezuko. He was surprised to find claws drawn out of Aoi's fingers clashing against his blade. Moria tried to shout whilst muffed as Aoi held him in his cage-rattling with her unnatural movements.

"When did you turn into a Demon?" Law demanded, furious and surprised.

"Do you want to know?" Aoi replied, when Nezuko leaped at her from the side.

Aoi saw the move and dodged behind. She believed she couldn't defeat Law in a fair fight, deciding to retreat with her objective. Moria's head. Nezuko followed her only to be dodged every one of her attacks. Law wondered of Aoi's objective.

Is she working for Moria? He wondered, and couldn't make a connection between them.

To his knowledge, Aoi had barely known of Moria's existence except that he was kept in the secret room and never having met the pirate. The secret room keys stayed with Shinobu and Law, the only two pieces.

Law saw the girls reach the door and leap outside. He rushed after them, finding Aoi leap above the Mansion roof.

"What's she doing?" Zenitsu showed up observing her unnatural leap.

"After her!" Law ordered, much to Zenitsu's terror.

Nezuko made a pursuit. Aoi had left Law's 'Room' making haste against his presence.

"Zenitsu, let's go!" Tanjiro bellowed, who leaped after Nezuko, followed by Inosuke.

Law threw a piece of rock from the yard at high speed towards the fugitive's direction.

"Room! Shambles!"

He was furious for letting Aoi escape the secret room. He found himself ahead of Nezuko and rushed after the escapee. Inosuke was surprised by his witchcraft.

"That was neat." he remarked.

Law gave her a running pursuit instead of employing his Devil Fruit abilities hoping to conserve his stamina for needed circumstances ahead.

"He's persistent." Aoi groaned, accelerating her speed.

"I never knew Aoi was this fast." Tanjiro remarked, surprised at the formidable pursuit.

Nezuko was as angry as Law, for having landed no blows against Aoi, making her rush faster. She caught up to Law and both of them made an unparalleled dash to catch up.

"Can't believe the girl turned to a Demon." Law said.

"Mmmph!" Nezoku agreed with a growl.

"At least you won't be lonely." Law made a light joke amidst the pursuit, which did not sit well with Nezuko.

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