CHAPTER 21 - Law in Business

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CHAPTER 21 - Law in Business


The very next morning, Law received a referral letter sent by Ubuyashiki. The words described Law's ongoing plan to retrieve a ship. It was approved and mentioned that it was almost complete.

"Kiyo, I'm going out." Law was ready to depart. He explained the details.

"Let them know, alright. I should be back in a day or two." he added.

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave. Are you sure?" Kiyo asked in concern.

Law nodded, "It should give Kibutsuji an excuse to stay away from the headquarters."


Kiyo was the only one awake in the estate that early in the morning. She went ahead to see off Law on his journey. The estate was rattled to find the morning news.

"Why did he have to go now?" Mitsuri was unsettled, "The demons might attack anytime."

"He did mention that Kibutsuji was after him. So..." Kiyo tried to explain.

"That's more a reason someone should've gone along. I'm more concerned about him." Mitsuri walked around.

"An audacious man." Tamayo chuckled, "He must've done it on purpose. Unafraid and courageous."

"He's out of his mind." Yushiro remarked, "Ubuyashiki must've made a valid statement yesterday pointing out his precarious situation. Anyone else would've hidden in the darkest nooks."

"The Master told me to keep an eye on Law. And Law demanded me to stay away from his path." Mitsuri wailed.

"Then let him." Yushiro said, "It would save us the trouble of rescuing him later."

"He has the knowledge of the demon research."

"I think there's more to what Kibutsuji is interested in." Aoi joined the conversation.

"But he's a good swordsman. And a good doctor." Mitsuri told her, finding relief.

"He wasn't serious in that fight." Aoi revealed, "He didn't use his special powers, and that might prove a problem if Kibutsuji gets hold of that."

"What do you mean?" Tamayo asked.

"Devil Fruit Power." Kiyo said, "I saw him using it to cut Zenitsu and Inosuke down during their rehabilitation."

"No wonder they are afraid of that man." Aoi nodded.

"What is this power you talk of? I never saw anything." Mitsuri asked.

Aoi and Kiyo explained the things they had seen when Law was in charge of the infirmary. The Op-Op Fruit was used to remove bad tissues, poisons and treat patients injured from battle.

"I don't think he needed to use those powers more than it was needed, I guess. That would have been disastrous to any opponent." Aoi said.

Mitsuri developed a small resentment against Law for keeping his secrets from her. But then again, the man had been busy with his work and barely discussed anything out of context.

"Let him be." Mitsuri said. Displeasure was seen on her brows, her smile was gone, "He only cares about himself. We will hold the fort without his help."

Aoi and Kiyo observed that she felt hurt. And they knew Law was hardly to blame. He was an excellent doctor and a kind man, who looked out for his patients. He was forced to threaten Zenitsu and Inosuke for their shenanigans and restlessness. All the patients that were under his care returned back to their work once they were released. And no one seemed unhappy with his results and methods. Aoi and Kiyo looked at each other with worry.

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