CHAPTER 27 - Donquixote Doflamingo

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CHAPTER 27 - Donquixote Doflamingo


The clash broke off, leaving Zoro wide open.

"Bullet String!" Doflamingo let off a small barrage.

Zoro dodged the shots, releasing a Flying-Blade attack with his ending somersault.

"360 Pound Phoenix!" he bellowed, swinging his Shusui mid-air.

Doflamingo leaped off the ground to dodge the counterattack. He observed Zoro from above.

To everyone's surprise, the former hovered above with no effort. Doflamingo stretched his right leg displaying a shine of a thin string stretching from his heels to the length of his legs. He fell down the next moment, spinning in towards Zoro.

"Fretsaw!" Doflamingo slammed his leg-made-string-saw. Zoro had blocked the attack with Shusui having to imbue it with his Armament Haki. He felt the force from the lethal attack.

"Pentachromatic String!" Doflamingo swung his right arm drawing in his five-coloured strings, capable of nasty damage.

"Damn!" Zoro blocked the blow, but was weakened from his guard blocking the Fretsaw whilst at it. The Chromatic string attack broke his defence, throwing him off and away with great force. Shinobu and the others observed in shock. She knew Zoro was an amazing combatant. But it was the first time she had seen him being thrown off his stance despite having his guard up.

"Flower Breathing, Fifth Form..." Kanae couldn't wait for Doflamingo to gain a chance to attack again. The latter observed back with indifference.

"Peonies of Futility!" Nine consecutive slashes merged into a single attack aiming for Doflamingo's heart.

"Feisty!" the man grinned, taking the hit.

Kanae was surprised to observe Doflamingo take the attack straight-on, to be blocked by his Armament Haki concentrated around the area of impact.

Meanwhile, Shinobu and Kanao had followed Kanae's pre-emptive attack strategising on their skills.

"36 Pound Phoenix!" yelled Shinobu, releasing a Flying Blade much to Doflamingo's surprise. The latter had to dodge knowing the technique belonged to Zoro, and might have been capable of similar strength.

Shinobu grinned realising her bait had worked. Unlike Zoro's strength, her Pound Phoenix had been released much weaker than her previous attempts. That was because of her thin blade, which had drawn out a much weaker pressure compared to her former attempts with Zoro's Kitetsu.

Doflamingo was enraged having to dodge a dud attack, glaring back towards Shinobu. But he hadn't forgotten about Kanae, who was ready to attack a second time.

"Pentachromatic String!" he hurled his right arm at great force. Unexpected to his rage, he found his opponent leaping high, dodging the blow. His Observation Haki alarmed to focus his eyes in front of him away from Kanae giving signals that another attack was incoming.

Kanao moved behind Doflamingo, away from Shinobu's direction.

"Annoying brat." remarked Doflamingo, aiming his right-hand index finger.

"Bullet String!"

Kanao dodged the string shots at her distance but knew she had to close in to deal melee damage against Doflamingo with her blade. Unlike Zoro or Shinobu, she couldn't perform a mid-ranged attack like a Flying Blade. She decided to go with her single plan. Doflamingo winced the moment Kanao delved towards him. She managed to dodge the initial Bullet String; Doflamingo forced to increase his rate of attack.

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